
File permission on Linux

Hello, my doubt is not exactly about programming issues, but about Linux and its file access permissions. Recently, I had t ... the linux system files. In the meantime, I can't find nowhere specifying this. Would anyone know how to tell me that? Thanks.

Grant permission to a new user in SQL Server 2014

I'm trying to assign permissions of db_datawriter and db_datareader to a new user in SQL Manager The following steps were p ... o all the guests of the application, and this is the point. How to assign db_datareader only to one user and not all guests?

How does "umask" work in PHP and when should we or not use it?

Was reading the documentation of umask and I came across this: When PHP is being used as a server module, the umask is r ... using move_uploaded_file to another folder when using umask until the request finishes processing the folder might be unsafe?

Access Denied when trying to delete directory with PYTHON

I have several folders, and within these, several other folders, and I need to enter one by one to delete other folders (yes, ... caminhoPastaFinal = caminhoFilho4+"\\"+pastaFinal os.remove(caminhoPastaFinal)

Access denied edit files via SFTP on Ubuntu after upload via Wordpress

I have an Ubuntu VPS (LAMP) and do PHP file management from the www folder via SFTP. I use Wordpress on my server, with it ... d I set permissions incorrectly? When I use Wordpress to upload it generates the folder and files with different permissions?

NodeJS folder removal @types

I tried to remove the node_modules folder because I updated nodejs and had to reinstall the modules. However, I don't have pe ... to that folder. Did I do something wrong with npm? Why can't I delete the folder?EDIT: Windows 10 NodeJS 12.2.0 NPM 6.9.0

How to open an executable that requires elevation via C#?

The code provided below seeks to be able to open an executable file in such a way that it is possible to pass arguments to it ... output += p.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() + "\r\n"; Console.WriteLine(output); p.WaitForExit(); }

How to allow other users to upload content to my project on GitHub

I am doing academic work and I created a project and wanted each member of the group to create a branch and upasse part of t ... on to User/algorithms.git denied to user2 The question is, how do I allow other users add branchs and code to my project?

Problems unpacking files in RAR on Linux UBUNTU

Good afternoon! I have a server that runs on a LINUX Ubuntu SERVER Cloud web server, 7 years ago I migrated to another local ... already in the administrators group, the www-data also, as well as the root I created and the user@life, still does not work.