
Get product data via the API from Amazon shop and

You need to get data on the product from the sites by the parameter. The problem is that Amazon generally buried the api docu ... ere, and where else to see the documentation. I understand that the question may seem absurd, but I can't find an answer yet.

I can't implement autologin

This is certainly quite a difficult task, so I would like at least some tips from those who have dealt with this. There is a ... code stopped writing the second cookie(session), and writes only the first one. Well, now I'll try to pass all the arguments.

How to perform authorization

<?php function curlLogin() { $url=""; $params=[ 'username'=>"тестовые дан ... se($ch); echo $content; } curlLogin(); I unfortunately did not succeed, I looked through a bunch of articles and manuals

Send a request over https and the server's ip address

The site implements sending a POST request via curl to the server's ip address. But the request is sent over HTTP without SSL ... 'Curl failed with error #%d: %s', $e->getCode(), $e->getMessage()), E_USER_ERROR ); exit(); }