
Configuring Xdebug + PhpStorm + PHP-fpm + Ubuntu

I can't configure Xdebug. Lelayu so: In the /etc/php/7.4/mods-available/php.ini file I prescribe the following parameters ... ipt does not stop and the current values of the variables do not change. output. Tell me, please, what could be the problem?

Docker, nginx, phpmyadmin. How does php-fpm understand which folder the script is in?

There is the following nginx.conf setting: server { listen 80; server_name localhost; location ^~ /phpmyadmin { ... n't specify it? Could it be such that the default path is specified in the container? Using phpmyadmin/phpmyadmin:fpm-alpine

Nginx+Php-Fpm - FastCGI sent in stderr: "Primary script unknown"

Good time of day. I got to setting up Nginx with FastCGI on Fedora 24, but Nginx writes 2016/12/21 08:12:51 [error] 3427 ... ndex.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_$ } } I don't know what it is anymore problem....

Php fpm and nginx

I tried to understand what pcp fpm is and why it is used in conjunction with nginx, but I didn't really understand it. Why is the fpm not needed when using apache? Namely with nginx

nginx error 502 Bad gateway

The project is on Yii, but when you click on one of the menu items, it began to give a 502 bad gateway error. Log string: 20 ... /var/run/php/php7.0-fpm.sock:", host: "admin.мой_сайт", referrer: "http://admin.мой_сайт/device" What could be the problem?

Sapi PHP theory basics

Hello everyone Studying Nginx, I got to the point that there are SAPI, and that there are several types of them, and blah, bl ... how to return this data back ? Question 2: how does the system understand that I request came through the cli or mod_apache

Best PHP-FPM configuration for 4GB ram?

I need some help setting up my PHP-FPM I have EC2 on amazon C4.large 3.75 GB RAM 2 CORE On my server I just have PHP-fpm, ... the children can't stand and server starts to slow down and falls from timeout. Can anyone help me optimize these settings ?

How does PHP-FPM work?

Guys, I have a question related to the concept of PHP-fpm . From what I understood through the documentation, it is a module ... P that manages the requests to the server to avoid high loads, or am I mistaken? How can it benefit in terms of performance?

502 Bad Gateway-Linux, php7, nginx. How to solve this error?

I am having an Error 502 that represents some configuration on the server, when I try to open a website using linux, nginx an ... .0.1, server:, request: "GET /index.php HTTP/1.1", upstream: "fastcgi://unix:/var/run/php5-fpm.sock:", host: ""