
mplab: cx8-the compiler does not see the header file

On MPLAB X IDE v4.20 set xc8-v2.00-full-install-windows-installer.exe But for some reason I can't work with the p18f4585 micr ... l libraries and did not find them, and did not understand where to get this library ?? How to work with the p18f4585 chip ??

How to turn an int (number) into a char (string) in C

I'm trying to move an int (number) to a char (string). I use the following code: int adcResult = 333; char h = (char)adcRe ... e program is written in MPLAB for a microcontroller of the dsPIC33 family (for some reason it does not support this library).

How to create a driver to make my own USB mouse with PIC? [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... How do I create a Windows Pro driver? Is it possible for me to communicate a PIC with a driver I created and command a mouse?