
Problem in PyCharm Failed building wheel for yarl

When loading aiogram using pip, an error pops up in the PyCharm console at the end. When installing additional whl files, the ... ed to build multidict yarl Could not build wheels for multidict, yarl which use PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly

"pip" is not an internal or external command, executable program, or batch file [duplicate]

This question has already been answered here: ... I tried to install discord.py .When downloading python, I checked Add to PATH, tried reinstalling pip, reinstalled python

Installing Jupyter Notebook modules in PyCharm

Installed the Jupyter module in the PyCharm IDE. There was a problem with installing the modules. Installing modules via the PyCharm terminal itself (py-m pip install module name) But Jupyter does not see the modules installed in this way.

I can't install PyAudio

I download it from the official site, but it gives an error after entering the command line this is the command pip install P ... rograms\python\python38-32\Include\PyAudio' Check the logs for full command output. What should I do? Thank you in advance!

How to update pip on Windows 7 basic (service pack 1)

Sobstna sabzh: it is impossible to update pip

Why not use sudo pip?

Why not use sudo pip? I don't fully understand this aspect. I was asked to ask a separate question. It may be useful for many other people to know this, too.

Basemap python. Problem with installation via pip

Hello. I have a problem installing basemap (a package for python that is included in the matplotlib suite for visualizing geo ... rect installation from the repository also for some reason does not cure the situation. Some tips can be found here and here.

Module installation error: pip is not an external or internal command

Hello! I have a question that will seem very stupid to you. When I try to install the module, it returns: "pip is not an exte ... , or a batch file. I was making a full path. The package installer, like, doesn't need to be installed separately. Windows 7.

Command "python setup.py egg info" failed with error code 1

Installing pgAdmin 4. pip install pgadmin4-1.1-py2-none-any.whl And outputs at the end this Command "python setup.py ... failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-build-aofWrQ/psycopg2/ What is written here does not help, at least the first answer.

Accessing the function specified in init.py

When initializing a package in Python 2.7, I need to define functions that should be common to all modules of a given package ... акет __init__.py # здесь функция module.py # здесь мне функцию нужно вызвать The names are naturally different.

How to change the python version to ubuntu

I installed ubuntu, as I understood it, along with python2. 7 installed in the folder /home/user/. local/lib I installed pyth ... ion of python. Help me either remove python 2.7, or prioritize 3.5. I can't find enough information in Google to solve it.

How to install pocketsphinx in python?

How to install pocketsphinx in python? I did everything as described here, but still an error occurs. C:\Users\Andrei\AppDat ... xternally-managed --compile" failed with error code 1 in C:\Users\Andrei\AppData\Local\Temp\pip-build-ac2xos32\pocketsphinx\

Pip install doesn't work in the Python console

It seems that there is an error in the Internet, but I tried to solve it - it did not help: Code: >>> pip install M ... , line 1 pip install ^ SyntaxError: invalid syntax What should I do? Everything is fine with the path like

Installing the python vk api

When installing vk_api on Ubuntu 16.04.5 LTS, an installation error occurs. pip install vk_api Collecting vk_api Using ca ... ython setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-install-a21j4lkr/vk-api/ What are the options to eliminate it

Installing the matplotlib package using pip3

I write in the console: pip3 install matplotlib And the result is an error: Collecting matplotlib Using cached https:// ... ------- Command "python setup.py egg_info" failed with error code 1 in /tmp/pip-install-izaasteb/matplotlib/ OS: linux mint

Problem with pythoh Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using '"'

When using virtualenv, it returns the error E:\rrr>virtualenv -v Fatal error in launcher: Unable to create process using ... -m pip uninstall pip > python -m ensurepip > python -m pip install -U "pip<10" It didn't help, tell me how to fix

What is the most complete way to install python on Windows?

I know that this question can be interpreted as a discussion, so I made it with the word "complete" rather than "better". I' ... d python development environment, simply, quickly and completely? And yet, is there something equivalent to pip for Windows?

How to install pip on Windows 10?

I am trying to install PIP according to the Documentation Python. It is installed, but does not work. This always happens: ... ' is not recognized as an internal or external command, a program operable or a batch file. How can I solve this problem?

'pip' is not recognized as an internal or external command, an operable program, or a batch file

Know how to solve this problem I have python and Pip installed when I type pip and I press enter appears this: 'pip' is ... command or external, an operable program or a batch file. Know how to solve? Operating System data: Windows 10 x64

How to install Numpy via Pip windows 7 64 bit [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... Good afternoon how do I install Numpy via pip. I downloaded Python 2.7.13 and do not know how to install via pip.