
error installing virtualenv in python

I can not create the virtualenv, I gave a survey teaching how to install and qdo I scratch the install her from this error he ... : Impossível corrigir problemas, você manteve (hold) pacotes quebrados. > root@AlexPc:/home/alex# My OS is Linux-ubuntu

How to install packages on pip without internet access?

I'm having difficulties in python. I am providing a service for a banking company, but the network is very closed, I can no ... I can download the packages in another way but I can't get them to run, can anyone help me? Detail: only works powershell

Kivy installation error

I can't install kivy on my computer, I've never messed with pip before, I'm putting the commands in cmd and it gives error. ... , which is: ERROR: Command errored out with exit status 1: python setup.py egg_info Check the logs for full command output.

Error importing pygame into Pycharm

I'm only here because I've been trying every way to install pygame on PyCharm for a week now and I'm not getting it. I have t ... 'm using Windows, Python 3.8.2 PIP 20.0.2 and the pygame I'm trying to install is the pygame 1.9.6 Can anyone help me please?

pip install pygame - > " the system cannot run the specified program"

I'm trying to download pygame in python 3.6.5 (64-bit) windows 10, but when I open cmd, and try to run the Command " pip inst ... d. [![ai the print, I hope you can help, valeuu!! I really want to solve this, to start developing my projects!! Bye!][1]][1]

Chatterbot installation error [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... Temp\pip-install-r5apde_f\blis\ My setuptools is up to date, so I have no idea what the problem may be or how to solve it.