
Why don't I get registered emails from registered users to my email address?

There is a wordpress site with the Theme My Login plugin installed in the latest versions. On the registration page, when the ... dress. Please check your email and follow the link in the letter. I do not observe any errors. What can this be related to?

Magnificent popup, how do I set a different background?

Let's say you need to set a different background color for different modal windows. By default, the .mfp-bg class is set to t ... primary color rgba(0,0,0,.5) Tell me, how can I change the color of the .mfp-bg class depending on the open modal window?

How can I configure my own regular expressions for validation in the jqueryvalidation plugin?

Jqueryvalidation.org I don't understand anything from the documentation. It seems that this possibility should logically be just in $('form').validation({ rule( ); });

Is there the same plugin for Brackets as in notepad?

Hi! In the notebook it was like this: Let's say you have already written a lot of code and the next time you want to write ... ready exist in the document with a similar name - "MyClass". Is there such a thing for braces? PS: I didn't find it myself

Setting up the plugin: Swiper

Please tell me how to make sure that the order is observed? The example goes: 1,3,5,2,4,6 Required: 1,2,3,4,5,6 This plug ... el: '.swiper-pagination', clickable: true, }, }); </script> </body> </html>

The tickets plugin doesn't work in MODX Revo, why?

Experts. Another question about MODX Revo. I needed a comment system on the site and installed the tickets 1.9.4 plugin last ... it in head, and disabling it doesn't help. The Ticket itself does not add any js file (it seems, at least not the library).