
How to color the caption according to the graph in the R

Hello guys I have a chart on R and would like to make the caption equal to the chart. below is the command used and the graph ... generated this graph. What I would like to do is paint the legend balls according to the color that is on the chart. Thanks.

How to transform dot scatter plot into density?

I would like to know how to turn a dot scatter plot into a dot density plot in the region, for example, where there are few points the color of the region will be light, where there are many points the color of the region will be darker. Grateful!

Quadratic curve estimation minimums Square using R

I have a quadratic model that I want to run a simple multivariate regression using Ordinary Least Squares. This Is My Code: ... on the scatter plot (y - x). How do I do that? When I do: plot(regression) I don't have that option. Any help? Thank you!

How to plot a curve to separate data?

I am testing some things in the language and this doubt arose to me. I made a program that has a database that is divided int ... 'black') I was trying to use the contour as well but it asks for an array and I don't know which Array I could throw there.

How can a colormap of a Surface be mapped to a scalar function?

Translation of the question I asked in the SO : I have a scalar function that represents the electrical potential on a sph ... ink=0.5, aspect=5) # Está mapeado aos valores do eixo-z ax.set_xlabel("x") ax.set_ylabel("y") ax.set_zlabel("z")

Plot a graph of the charging and discharging of a capacitor in MATLAB

I need to create a program that shows through the plot the charge and discharge of a capacitor as shown below: Are 3 con ... acitance; R = resistance E = source voltage (example; a 20V Source); I managed to make the load graph through this code:

How to plot the graph of a complex equation in latex?

I need to create standard maps graphics ( ). How can I implement a chart like this below in latex?

How to plot a graph using a curve function

I need to solve a question of an R course. Could you help me please? The question is as follows: Question 2. Create a vecto ... 83), col = "red") In this I do not know if I can use dnorm. But it was the only way I could make the graph from an equation.

How to change the scale of the Y-axis in a line chart

I'm trying to plot a graph where the points on the Y-axis vary in decimal places but I couldn't adjust the scale of the axis ... , 32.00) time = c(0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14) plot=(t_mean~time, type ="l", ylim=c(30.0,32), yaxt ="n") axis(2, at=c(30.0:32.0))

Line chart with months on the X axis in ggplot-R

I'm doing R classes and an exercise came up to make a line chart in ggplot2 with the data of flight delays by airport. On th ... mean(dep_delay, na.rm = T)) %>% ggplot() + geom_line(aes(x = month, y = media_delay, group = origin, col = origin))

How to break a line in the chart title into 2 lines using ggplot?

I need to break the chart's title line so that it is at the width of the chart itself. The reason is that the graph will be u ... dditional question: because it is an English name of the acronym rMSSD. How to leave only what is it in brackets in italics?

R Histogram with all apparent breaks, hist function()

I have a database with more 8000 rows and I would like to create a histogram, but the same does not appear the bar in all cla ... x[, 1]) - 0.5, max(x[, 1]) + 0.5, by = 0.5)) h0$density = h0$counts/sum(h0$counts)*100 plot(h0, freq = FALSE, main = " ")

How to place the Y-axis value next to the chart marker?

Hello, I would like to see the Y-axis values also appear next to the points of the graph. I appreciate it now! plt.figure(f ... d') plt.yscale('log') #coloca o eixo y em escala logaritmica The current result is the following graph:

Predict Plot for adjusted Gamlss model

How do I make and plot the predict for this fitted Gamlss model? My model is presented below. mod<- gamlss(cbind(nfr, nv-nfr)~tt+tr1+d2+d3+random(as.factor(p ))+random(as.factor(id))+random(as.factor(no)), data=ta, family = "BI")

How to plot or overlay graphs of a function with two variables using matplotlib?

I am having difficulty finding the correct graph in my plot, I am modeling two equations of physics of two variables, I belie ... with the Code And this was the expected result for spectral densities as a function of wavelength would be that ->

How to make concentric circles in r plot

I need to make concentric circles, preferably offset from the source, in the function plot() to serve as a visual reference for a function. I tried abline(), but did not succeed.

How to plot a line chart with different colors depending on the value?

Suppose the following data: set.seed(1) y<-rnorm(101) x<-seq(from=0, to=100,by=1) I want to make a plot with a line ... group=1)) How to make R correctly assign red color to negative values and blue color to positive values in the line plot?

How to create bar chart using DataFrame.plot?

I'm trying to make a graph of a table comparing the rate of non-literate men with the rate of non-literate women. I have a cs ... ) or a.all(). I've tried many ways and I have no idea what to do, I'm new to it and I don't find anything on the internet...

Change the scale of the X axis

Hello, I'm trying to make a taper graph of a tree trunk, where the Y-axis is the height (meters) and the X-axis is the diamet ... like to change the scale of the X axis to give more realism and I am not able to do this, would anyone have any suggestions ?

Error coloring bar chart and caption with pal function.bands

I am trying to reproduce the chart below: However, I am not being able to color my chart through the pal function.bands acc ... : 'arg' should be one of “bottomright”, “bottom”, “bottomleft”, “left”, “topleft”, “top”, “topright”, “right”, “center”