
Deleting data from multiple linked tables

There are three tables linked one-to-one by ID. I need to delete all records from three tables that satisfy the condition: A. ... D LOOP; COMMIT; END; There is a lot of data and so it works for a very long time. Is there any way to make it faster?

Is there a SQL Server equivalent of the IsNull() function in Oracle?

In SQL Server, you can use the function IsNull(expression, replacement), to determine whether the result of the expression is NULL, and replace it with an alternative value in this case. Is there an equivalent function IsNull() in Oracle?

Ban on deleting records

You need to prevent deleting records from the table that do not meet a certain condition by using a trigger. Without using th ... re some options can be deleted, but the rest can't, the trigger immediately throws an exception and does not delete anything.

How do I fix the error when running the procedure: "PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to"?

How to fix this error: ORA-06550: line 1, column 7: PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'GET_DATA_INFO' ... ptions); Free translation of the question PLS-00306 when calling Oracle stored procedure in Node.js from member @siddhartha

How can I get a conditional image of a chessboard by a query?

How do I make a query that returns a conditional chessboard image? The column headings must contain the Latin letters a,b,c, ... ution is not correct, but I have not yet come up with another one. How can I display a chessboard and fill it with 1s and 0s?

How to import a PDF to a table with a BLOB column

The question arose, what is the easiest way to import a PDF to the columnBLOB? I thought to implement this logic: import BLO ... ze, dest_offset => l_dest_offset, src_offset => l_src_offset); DBMS_LOB.fileclose(l_bfile); COMMIT; END;

Is there a SQL Server equivalent to the ISNUMERIC function() - is the value a number?

There is a code that returns an error message if the value is invalid. I would like to return an error message if the given ... ue>7200000)) THEN ... Free translation How can you tell if a value is not numeric in Oracle? from member @Kyle Williamson

How to fill a table by a range specified in another table

There is a table: CREATE TABLE table ( start_range varcahar2(10), end_range varcahar2(10), val_range NUMBER(10) ); At ... erent table table2 with rows in the range between start_range and end_range? To make it look like this: (a1, a2, a3, a4, a5).

Removing the cursor from the procedure

By analogy with the output of the function result: SELECT * FROM TABLE(пакет.функция(параметры)); What if we have a proced ... CURSOR, другие In параметры ) How do I get the same selection directly in the SQL Window as in the case of the function?

How can I convert only the part of the CLOB containing XML to XMLType in a PL/SQL procedure?

CLOВ stores the request in XML format along with the preamble: POST:... Cache-Control: no-cache Connection: keep-alive ... SO ... cessing LPX-00210: expected '<' instead of 'P' Error at line 1 ORA-06512: at "SYS.XMLTYPE", line 272 ORA-06512: at line 1

What is the most correct and proven way to check the presence of a record in a table in a PL / SQL block?

What is the correct and proven way to check for an entry in a table when using a PL / SQL block? For example, there is a tabl ... to check. Free translation of the question Proper way of checking if row exists in table in pl/sql block from member @devBem

Partitions in reverse order

Partitioned table created with automatic partitioning (range, interval-1, key-number) partition by range (gr_id) interval (1 ... Can I in this case do you want to use automatic partitioning, or do you have to hard-code all partitioning for single values?

How do I find and access the DOMAIN database object?

I found very little information about such objects as "domains". I know it's about (). Translation: What is domain type in ... I often find domain declarations in it. But in fact, in the database I do not see them as objects, or mentions in the code.

The result of the SYS CONTEXT function with the BG JOB ID parameter differs from the previous versions

In the Oracle DB releases prior to 19c, the SYS_CONTEXT('USERENV','BG_JOB_ID') function returned the job ID (column user_job ... ried to link through the views v$Scheduler_Running_Jobs and dba_jobs_running. You can do this, but I'm not sure what's right.

What is the alternative to REGEXP REPLACE for creating a functional index?

After migrating to Oracle 18c Enterprise Edition, creating a functional index (FBI) fails. This is what DDLs look like for c ... c? If such a feature is no longer supported for the FBI, what other way is there to provide such functionality for the index?

Which tasks use explicit or implicit cursors?

In which tasks do I need to use cursors at all: explicit or implicit? In the book Oracle PL / SQL For professionals in the 15 ... Explicit cursors for the same type of repeated queries What is for implicit? And what is meant by the same type of requests?

Advantages of FORALL vs INSERT

Some parts of the package use insert into select from, and some parts use insert into select from.- bulk collect + forall ins ... view, does one of these methods have an advantage in speed or other aspects of execution, or are they completely equivalent?

Convenient PL SQL editor [closed]

Closed. It is impossible to give an objective answer to this question . Answers to it are not accepted at the moment. ... tools (programs) that make life easier for the developer? P.S. Preferably free products, since the workstation is corporate

Error "ORA-00600 [qcsfbdnp:1]"

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [qcsfbdnp:1], [B14], [], [0], [], [], [], [], [], [], [], [] ORA-06512: at "IJJ_D ... u cut the select query from the code and run it simply in sql developer, it works without problems. Oracle version

REGEX SUBSTR how do I select text between tags with a newline?

I can't win. You need to pull out everything that is between the tags. It turns out to pull out only what is before the line ... ect regexp_substr('<message>aaa bbb ccc </message>','<message>(.*)</message>',1,1, 'n') from DUAL