
Install wordpress plugin on the local machine

I am making a site in wordpress, the problem is that as I am new I am testing everything on my local machine, for this I conf ... r-- 1 www-data www-data 30 Abr 9 2014 index.php drwxr-xr-x 3 www-data www-data 4096 Fev 22 17:39 miniorange-login-openid

Create an image with superimposed dynamic text and email

I needed to create a system that allows me to have 2 or 3 images to choose and in these images it is possible to insert a tex ... :// / ~natal/postais2015/postal1.html Does anyone know any tutorial or give me some light of how to do it?

WPBakery (Visual Composer) does not work localhost

I have a local Wordpress installation on my machine, which runs through Xampp. I got a theme through the themeforest website ... added an element (buttom) it only appears in the front-end, in the back-and the element only appears in the editor classic.

WordPress Advanced Custom Fields Pro How to enable Google Maps

I'm using the "Advanced Custom Fields pro" wordpress plugin. I'm trying to use the custom Wordpress field, but the same asks ... key to access the Google API, I already have the key more do not know where I should put to be able to use the map! Thanks.

Display image next to Category related post title

I need to display an image related to the category of postnext to the title of post, so I installed the plugin Taxonomy Im ... doesn't work. Has anyone ever done something like this and can recommend me some other plugin or help me in running this one?

WordPress customer registration area

Is there any plugin that makes client registration for wordpress ? I need a separate area from the login area where client ... like. Obs.: I need these clients to have their registration the part of the users with access to the Administrative Panel.

Related posts Wordpress

Talk guys, I'm developing a wordpress theme, and on a page I use a function to pick up the related posts, it picks up all t ... lt;/div> <?php endwhile; // Restore original Post Data wp_reset_postdata(); endif; }

Difficulties in editing HTML in Wordpress

Good afternoon everyone ! I need to be translating a text from that page (attached the print from the exact location) where I ... couldn't... how to access the HTML page ? If you do, how ? If I don't, how can I edit that ? Thank you for your attention ]1

WordPress multisite cache plugin recommendation

I need a cache plugin for wordpress multsite. Any recommendations? I only found plugins that meet wordpress other than multisite. Thank you very much.

Anti-adblock that replaces div [duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... s if it were plain text) Ad Blocker Notify Lite - this works on the local server, but does not works on the online server.

Strings not detected by Polylang.

On a wordpress site to make it bilingual, I'm using the Polylang plugin, however I need to translate the search part and I ca ... e list of Strings to translate, it does not appear. It would be a placeholder written "Enter keywords". How should I proceed?

Wordpress, contact info & map Widget (jetpack)

I need to fix an error within wordpress, at this time I have installed the theme Flat Bootstrap,and the same does not have th ... what should I do? In the console is pointing an error in css. The site is /

Elementor- " preview cannot be loaded"

I need to edit a page in WordPress, but to open it you need to view it in Elementor and the page simply does not open with th ... mation of the link to WhatsApp in the sidebar, which is with the wrong number. Is there another way I can do this? Grateful

Hacker attack on website dashboard [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... y way to try to log in via URL? How was the new address discovered? How to prevent this? Thank you for everyone's attention.