
What are the differences between Overrideing and overloading in Java?

What are the main differences between overrideing and overloading in Java? What relationship is there between these terms and polymorphism?

What is the relationship between encapsulation and polymorphism?

A few days ago, I was talking to a friend about Java, and asked what part of the subject they were studying. Then he replied ... same thing"? if they are not the same thing, could you give some explanations and if possible, an example of how they work?

Inheritance, polymorphism and access to methods

I have 3 classes and 1 enum: public class Pessoa { private TipoPessoa tipo; public TipoPessoa getTipo() { ... te. And that this created object can access the members according to the option of the selected enumerator. How to proceed?

Error PHP POO polymorphism

While developing a simple PHP POO application, I came across an unexpected error, and that I have no idea why. I am now start ... pt this kind of polymorphism? Could someone guide me to how to fix this, and answer why this brutally fatal mistake happened?

Problem with polymorphism

I have a problem with polymorphism. But before I explain it, I want to make it clear that I am learning a lot yet, if you wan ... ow. If they have a suggestion on top of this project it would also be interesting. Thank you for the analysis, Robson Faxes.

How and when should we use Interface to document systems in PHP?

Always wanted to know exactly, if it is a good practice, to make a system always making use of Interfaces, or is this not nec ... ber) { $this->age = $number; return $this; } public function getAge() { return $this->age; } }

Instantiating an object with a different reference

I am learning polymorphism in Java, but I am having some doubts. public class Animal { int numPatas; public void f ... eão. } } This concept of polymorphism I understand. But what happens when we do this? Animal umAnimal = new Gato();

Java registration creation

I am creating an academic system in Java, but I have a problem. I have 4 classes (Principal, Pessoa, Aluno and Professor). I ... : System.out.println("Opção inválida, tente novamente."); } }while(op != 3); } }

Polymorphism in Java

Example: // Super classe: Carro abstract public class Carro { String nome; public void andar(){ // anda ... he difference between instance 1 and instance 2? And one more question, which access modifier should I use in the superclass?

Method overload is polymorphism?

I am having difficulty understanding the concept of polymorphism in Java, I read two articles from the same portal now and go ... https://www.devmedia.com.br/encapsulamento-polimorfismo-heranca-em-java/12991 So method overload is polymorphism too?

How does overload polymorphism work in Python?

I recently learned poo in Java and now I am learning in Python. Is there overload polymorphism(implement methods with equal n ... parameters you hand over to the method, it calls one or the other)? If there is not, what would be the alternative to this?

Parametric polymorphism and overhead in Java and C++

The following question fell in the ifsp contest: In Java and C++ programming languages, the parametric polymorphism is ... How to define parametric polymorphism in Java? Be generics ? In this case, could we translate the word and say it's generic?

Invoke child class method in C++

I have a parent class / structure and a child class/structure in C++. The parent class defines a method, and the child class ... nvoking the "print" method, the method declared in the child class is invoked? Here has the code running for better viewing.

What is Monomorphization?

I was reading this post and came across this term monomorphization I would like to know: What is its meaning? when does this process occur? What performance gain/loss is achieved by this process?

What is an override and what is it for in programming?

The question title basically says it all: what is and what is a Override for in programming?

Prototype functions in C / C++

What kinds of functions are these? What can these prototypes do? /*1*/int func ( int (*x)(int,int) ) /*2*/int func ( in ... s used and why it should be used. typedef int cellulae_func(int, int); void tabula(cellulae_func *cell, int lat, int alt);