
Polish inverse notation

What algorithms are there to convert the standard mathematical (infix) notation to the Polish inverse?

Converting from a prefix record to an infix record

How to convert prefix notation (Polish notation) to infix notation. The record may contain: '(', ')', '+', '-', '*', '/', '0..9', 'a..z'. Tell me the algorithm for solving this problem (description, Pascal, C#), which data structures should be used?

Postfix Polish C++entry

The expression (-a)-(-b) is given. Organize the calculation of this expression using the postfix Polish notation algorithm. ... like in the stack? -- b 0 - a 0 (read from right to left) Does char or int fit on the stack? And how to make calculations?

Calculator in c#

Develop a program that calculates arithmetic expressions. Basic operations: addition, multiplication, division, exponentiatio ... Console.WriteLine(RPN.Calculate(Console.ReadLine())); //Считываем, и выводим результат } } } }