
What is "positive zero" and "negative zero" in float and double types?

In the answer from this link the operation of the method is explainedatan2(), and in his translation of the documentation mad ... ess signal. What does "positive zero" and "negative zero" mean and why do they use signals for floating point types in Java?

How to represent money in JavaScript?

How best to represent monetary units (i.e. money) in JavaScript? I know it's not good to use floating point, given the roundi ... correctly and/or consistently fail? presentation - is it simple to format this type of data to be presented to the user?

Problem with floating point Python 3

I am writing an algorithm where I increment float variables by 0.2, however, after a few increments instead of incrementing ... rmat(I, J2)) print('I={} J={}'.format(I, J3)) J1 += 0.2 J2 += 0.2 J3 += 0.2 I += 0.2 And the output:

Precise mathematical division

In Windows Calculator: 9/3, 0001 = 2,999... In my program: 9/3,0001 = 3; I would like to achieve this level of accuracy usin ... 1); scanf("%lf", &num2); scanf(" %c", &c); num1 = op(num1, num2, c); ... return 0; } How to do?

Division result gives zero in decimal places

In the division of 1 by 3, my program is printing the following: The number value is 0.00 What is the error in the co ... nt main(){ float numero; numero = 1/3; printf("o valor do numero e' de :%4.2f \n\n", numero ); return 0; }

How to calculate the value of a polynomial function at an arbitrary point?

I need to calculate the value of a polynomial function of arbitrary degreeon arbitrary values of the domain. I would like ... Failing to obtain the exact value, the error should be justified and described if it was predicted due to algorithm behavior.

Inaccurate result in calculation with broken numbers

Problem Test there on the consoles of your browsers: 1067.11-1000 = 67.1099999999999 Or correct would be 67.11 could anyone explain this to me? and how do I solve this?