
Calculate percentage between 2 numbers

I have to make a percentage system where I have 2 dates in TIMEUNIX, being the end date ($cota->ultimo_recebimento) and th ... % I have 3 variables $atual = time(); $primeiro = $cota->primeiro_recebimento; $ultimo = $cota->ultimo_recebimento;

Show profit or loss in negative percentage

Considering the following data: $despesas = 2000; $receitas = 100; $lucroprejuizo = ($receitas - $despesas) / $receitas)*10 ... way to calculate? For example if we consider that I had 0,00 of income and 300,00 of expenses he will have -100% of profit.

How to use % in Portugol [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... ed for the hour value worked, number of hours and the % discount from INSS. At the end, print the net salary of the worker.

When to use in or %?

I am studying responsive layout and I already know that to create a flexible part it is necessary to use relative measure as ... difference between one and the other... ...and if it is possible to reach the same result using only % and have no problems.