
Get mouse position in percentage when clicking on image

I have an image on the screen and I need to click on the image and know the position from where I clicked relative to The X a ... ((posY) * 100/imgHeight)); }); I also tried instead of offset() to use position() but did not give the correct value.

Outline image with CSS text

I am developing a website, but without using any frameworkfor this; I want to point out that I only started in the studies o ... rgin-top: 27px; left: 0px } .featured-link { display: block } Right now, I thank you for everything and qqr helps!

Help with CSS-Position Right and Left

I'm trying to create a menu that looks like one I saw on a website. I managed to do everything right, I just can't leave it ... right: 0; /* Ou "0px" */ This would work, but it didn't work and stayed like the prints above, would I have another option?

Div on top of image

I'm trying to put a div on top of the image, this div will be a white container with a certain height and width, inside this ... info-container>p { float: left; position: absolute; top: 55%; left: 10%; z-index: 1000; } Thank you!

How do I get an image to exceed the limits of a DIV

I'm having difficulty putting a 100% image on the mobile screen, which has a margin in the previous DIV, I've tried to change ... iv> </body> </html> In this case it would exceed the Div in red over the margin used in the Blue div.

When to use position absolute or relative in CSS?

I know that an element inside with position absolute does not respect the limits of the parent div and that relative respects ... e body? When and why use an element relative inside a absolute (or vice versa)? When it is appropriate use one or the other?

how do I make a footer that is always below all elements

Hello, learning to create sites and I came across a problem when I was formatting the footer, it was not exactly below my pag ... educacional, direitos de imagens são marcas registradas de seus repectivos donos</p> </footer> </body>

Position "fixed" moves when scrolling down the page on the mobile

Create a div with position:fixed;top:0. In computing it is normal, and does not move independently if I go down or up the scr ... as this the div: <div class="menu"> MENU </div> .menu{ position:fixed; z-index:9; top:0; width:100%; }

Problem with include positioning.php

I'm having a problem with the footer placement I did with include.php. I created a file include.php, for now the only thing ... pe { background-color: rgb( 250, 31, 32 ); left: 0; width: 960px; height: 300px; z-index:9999; }