
average value for aggregated variable, DAX, Power bi

How to calculate the average price as in the last column, so that this average is calculated for each unique connection of th ... te of purchase], 'Table' [client_id], 'Table' [number of shop],'Table' [size],'Table'[price] ), VALUE( 'Table'[price])) ]2]2

What are the differences between Power Query, Power Pivot, Power BI?

I want to make a contribution to the community by presenting these free tools for data analysis using Microsoft and unfortuna ... estions for using the languages M and DAX. Note: I am learning to speak Portuguese, feel free to edit this post if you need.

Inspect Element in Power BI published!

You guys talking, all right? I need to inspect a site element https://www.seade.gov.br/coronavirus/ to scrape an information ... vailable. I tried to contact the developers of the project who also could not inform where I can get the data. Worth it guys!

Connecting to R in the monday.com

Hello, I'm new to the R language and I need to connect in the monday.com, I have managed to do the authentication more I can ... n:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" -d '{"query":"{boards(limit:1){id name}}"}' "https://api.monday.com/v2/"

How to predict multiple statistical models generated in R in Power BI?

I trained several models in R, like these: iris2 <- data.frame(zzz= sample(c(0, 1),size = length(iris$Sepal.Length), re ... uccess with the solution: https://towardsdatascience.com/how-to-predict-values-from-a-custom-r-model-in-power-bi-3364f83b0015

How to create a measure to count distinct numbers?

I'm new to this world of Power bi and I'm in need of a help, it may be basic what I'm going to ask. I have a spreadsheet in ... want to count is the amount of requests, for example, in this block of excel that I shared, would have 11 distinct requests