
How to send an object by parameter?

I have the following code snippet: <p:selectOneMenu id="agencia" converter="agenciasConverter" value="# ... t().getAttributes().get("agencia") How to use f:attribute to pass object that was selected in the select to the backbean?

SelectOneMenu does not bring the description of the object in the edit

I am carrying out a registration that has a relationship with another, I am using the SelecOneMenu to bring it, when carrying ... (ActionEvent event) { interfaceSistema = (Interface) evento.getComponent().getAttributes().get("interfaceSelecionado");

The caption of a Primefaces chart does not appear when I download the image

When the chart is loaded, the caption loads together, but when I download the image the caption does not appear.. Download b ... (link); return false; } </script>][1]][1] Download Image (caption is blank):

Recaptcha does not render

I'm trying to put a recaptcha in my view, but it doesn't render at all and the following exception appears: Warning: JSF ... e"> </p:layoutUnit> </p:layout> </h:body> </html> Link to Stacktrace

Error accessing Webcam.js-Error: Webcam is not loaded yet

I am getting this error when accessing Webcam.js Error: Webcam is not loaded yet I'm already using secure connection ... ) { ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } }

Primefaces MegaMenu [closed]

Closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... name="conteudo" /> </p:layoutUnit> </p:layout> </h:body> </html>