
Creating a web application on Intellij Idea community edition

Anyone tried to create a web application (maven) on Intellij Idea Community edition, I know that it does not support web and ... ch repository. jsf, and primefaces don't work either. I'm going to do a big web project, there is no money for Ultimate (((.

Use Bootstrap and Primefaces without one interfering with the other?

I'm trying to use Bootstrap together with primefaces in a JSF project, the problem is that in most components I need to use J ... of primefaces is changed even if I take the styleClass="form-control", would there be any way to coexist the two in harmony?

Send selected record from a P: dataTable to form, JSF primefaces

Hello, I'm new here, and I'm migrating from Struts 1 to JSF. I am developing in JSF a user registration screen. I would like ... astro}" /> </p:column> </p:dataTable> </h:form> </h:body> Thank you, folks

View PDF JSF primeFaces

Guys I'm creating a pdf file until beauty. Now I would like to display this PDF in a formulário.Xhtml Below is the code I u ... g.apache.tomcat.util.threads.TaskThread$ at Source)

Working with associative tables

I want to add to a table, the users who have registered a team. So that in the future you can list all the teams of a certain ... lic EntityManager getEm() { return em; } public void setEm(EntityManager em) { this.em = em; } }

Primefaces SelectOneMenu selects an item by pressing a hotkey with CTRL

I have forms in JSF with some keyboard shortcuts, for example CTRL+S triggers submit to save the data. The problem is that ... lects the item when you press a letter, but it certainly lacked a treatment for the case of special keys like CTRL and SHIFT.

How to order a P: dataTable

How do I sort a datatable by a text. For example my system is a service order system, I need "open" orders to come first. Fol ... o.usuario as u where" + " = "+UserStatic.getUsuario().getId() +"order by o.situacao DESC";

I can't generate a pdf file

Personal how to generate the PDF file using iText with JSF. The problem and the following, when I ask to generate the PDF fil ... em) { if(this.equals(bem)){ return 0; } else{ return 1; } } }

Save object with uppercase vs lowercase letter

I think I had posted a question previously equal to this, but I didn't find it. I have a manufacturer entity where I want to ... id differentiating upper and lower case letters, can I save an object with all uppercase or lowercase? Is that good practice?

Email with JavaMail copy

I have a system that sends email, works normally, I want to enter a field to send copy of the email, a CC or BCC. below is an ... ();" action="# {ordensControle.enviaEmail()}" update="outputPanelMail"/> </p:panel> Library used, commons-email

Prohibit duplicate registration

Hello, guys. I have a program that works with User Registration. In this program I would like to implement a function that pr ... f any file is missing, please please let me know that I will add immediately. I am grateful for any feedback or suggestions.

How to load graphicImage primefaces image in different component

My idea at first is as follows: I have a component p:dialog header="Foto Funcionário" widgetVar="dlg" resizable="false", wh ... macao("Imagem Recortada com sucesso !!!"); } } If anyone has ever done something similar or can help me I am grateful.

Composite vs. Bean CDI - how to access Bean methods

I am trying to create a component to receive the user profile picture. But for this I need to make the component access the m ... button that is in the component the method fecharFotoDialog() is named. Any direction on where am I going wrong? Grateful,

Upload and Donwload JSF + Primefaces + Mysql files

How to recover file name saved as database BLOB and display on screen? I am using a repeat loop, to retrieve, the Valo saved ... ew FacesMessage("Erro ao executar download."); FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, message); } }

Load a list of Enums

I have a selectOneMenu like this: <p:selectOneMenu id="diminui" value="#{naturemb.nature.diminui}" effect="clip"> &l ... { return lista.get(i).getNome(); } return ""; } But it's not working, can anyone help me ?

Difference between process and immediate

In JSF, what is the difference between the immediate and process attributes? In my view both seem to have similar functions.

Corrupted image using Primefaces UploadedFile with FTPClient

Hello guys I am having problem in the Primefaces component "File Upload", when trying to save the file via" FtpClient " the f ... loading an "html" file via " FtpClient" it worked now when I try to upload an image the file gets corrupted. Primefaces 6.1

Primefaces and Eclipse ctrl + click does not work [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... nd with the mouse arrow you click on the method and so the bean in the specific method is opened. Primefaces version is 5

Prevent browser autocomplete [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... tion. See I use JSF + primefaces components, and even with autocomplete off in inputText, it seems not to serve as nothing!

Display coordinates on the map with gmap

I want to get coordinates from the database and show them on the map along with the marker, but I can't. I think something is ... das>(); coords = manager.createQuery("from Coordenadas", Coordenadas.class).getResultList(); return coords; } }