
printf as a means of printing variables in C

I do not know how to formulate exactly what I want to ask, but it looks like this: How to print the contents of a variable ... t I write like this: printf("%f", msg);? What is the reason? Wouldn't printf lead the data itself to the modifier we specify?

Java. printf() How to set the alignment of a table

I have a menu in the program that should look like this: 1. Add task: n -t 2. View all tasks: v 3. Add co ... rd is the same... And the menu is still crooked... How to do this correctly so that it is exactly like in the first example?

How to output a number in the "int64" format with spaces to C++digits

__int64 TotalNumberOfBytes; BOOL GetDiskFreeSpaceFlag = GetDiskFreeSpaceEx( L"c:\\", // directory n ... twise. How do I do this? It is written that you need to use this __int64 (64-bit) a type for working with such large numbers.

c, windows, printf ()/scanf (), and DWORD

Which format specifier is the correct to use for printing / reading a value of the named type? On my system, the DWORD is unsigned long. But it may be otherwise. For size_t, there is "%Iu "in Windows and "%Zu " in Linux. And for DWORD?

c++: set the precision of a number when output via printf

Tell me how to set the accuracy of the output float/double numbers after printf? I have now the output looks like this: pri ... or such a task, and in the first option, you will have to instruct too much if ) What is the best way to solve this problem?

Concatenate text with char variable in printf

I need to concatenate the name of the person (variable) with a text. Following logic, it would look like this #include < ... amp;nome); printf("Seja bem vindo, \n", nome); return 0; } But not right. I need this in the simplest possible way.

How can I print the fifth part of a real number?

How could I print the fifth (index 4 from the dot) part of a real number without using libraries or a "complex" code for initial chapters. make a program that reads a real number, and print the fifth part of that number.

Difference between % i and % d

Is there any difference between printf("%d", x); and printf("%i", x);? I know that both return the same result, has some kind of convention adopted to always use the %d?

Difference from cout to printf in C++

Wanted to know what difference I use in c++ cout and printf, is it all the same?

format '%d ' expects argument of type ‘int’, but argument 2 has type ‘char *’ - what is it? How to tidy up?

Code: #include <stdio.h> int main(void) { char caractere, *caractere_ptr = &caractere; printf(" ... What I would like to see displayed is the memory address of the variable, not its value. For this reason, I did not boot it.

Program in C "eating" characters when executed

Next, All IDEs I program in C are output with fewer characters each iteration. For example, when running a for, each iteratio ... s[i] = idade; } for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { printf("%d \n", alunos[i]); } return (EXIT_SUCCESS); }

What are the differences between printf, fprintf, sprintf, snprintf, printf s and fprintf s?

Researching I noticed that there are several variations of printf, but I did not understand what the differences and which to use in a given circumstance. I would like to know the purpose of each with their differences and how they can be used.

Can I replace cout and printf? [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... I see the teacher using cout and some pages also use cout, but others use printf... Can I replace cout with good old printf?

Printing a vector Diferenças differences between C++ and C ++ where did I go wrong?

I'm having trouble printing structs vector in C, in C++ it worked... First I will show the version in C with problems (in ex ... do; clock_t time; }CACHE; Anyway, I'd like to know what am I wrong with C code to not get the same result as C ++ code

Stopped running when I added printf

I made a source code in C, conditional, but when I add a printf function windows reports that the program has stopped running ... f(valor = 1){ resultado = 's'; }else{ resultado = 'n'; } printf("a resposta é:%s", resultado); }

How do I print a hexa in C through printf?

/ / example mascara=0xFF; blue = COR1 & mascara; / / color a macro I used printf ("%s \n", blue); / / doubt in bold

Use of printf and scanf in Eclipse and Netbeans-C language

Good night. I have the program below that asks the user to insert 2 numbers and then present them. No Code Blocks is working ... n 0; } Console result: 5 5 Digite o primeiro numero: Digite o segundo numero: Os números digitados foram 5 e 5.

How does buffer work using printf and scanf?

Using printf, when I do: printf("\n\tQualquer coisa\n"); Does it insert this first into a buffer and then print to the scr ... at reports Well the behavior of this, please pass me the link, because I searched the C standard and did not find. Grateful.

How to manipulate printf in C language

Hello! How do I put something after the variable in a printf. Ex: printf("Digite um valor para a posição: [%d", l); printf ... valor para a posição: [%d", l, ",", c, " ]"); The end result would be something like: Enter a value for position [X, y]:

Puts () and Printf (); when and which to use?

Data entry requests are usually preceded by a text indicative of what you would like to receive and usually do not have data ... ys use printf ()?; does the puts () function not serve to present simple 'text'? * * first time posting, the first of many!