
What are the limitations of the object-oriented paradigm?

My experience is more with the object-oriented paradigm. Ok, " if all you have is a hammer, all problems look like nails." A ... ld pay more attention to them), are there others that the OO programmer needs to be aware of? What are the weak points of OO?

Difference between epics and features

In Visual Studio Team Services you can organize the backlog into epics, features and User stories . For each epic, a set ... e: Mobile faviting Epic: Continuous improvement Feature: Botify the wordoo service Feature: Improve performance

How many parameters should a method have?

What is the maximum number of parameters a method should have? When should one consider that there are too many parameters? ... nd what to do in this case? Tupiniquim and object-oriented version of the question: design-how many parameters are too many?

Level of detail of use cases

I'm starting to use use cases to document object-oriented system requirements and I'm a little unsure about the level of deta ... e where it doesn't have that level of formality and the use cases are written more to document and organize the requirements.

What is the difference between client-server and three-tiers?

In the Software design Chapter (SWEBOK ) when talking about architecture styles are mentioned client-server and three-tiers: ... he difference between these architectural styles. Also, it seems that these styles are outside the scope of software design .

Is Scrum an incomplete methodology? Or: Agile needs UML?

Scrum and Agile are very popular, but what do they offer of benefits? In the case of Scrum, I can see the improvement, contin ... here Should these disciplines come from? What does it serve to complement the Scrum nowadays? Does the staff care about that?

What is the relationship between the application layer and the controlling class?

The Book Using UML and patterns briefly presents the layered architecture, one of which is the application architecture, als ... on and subsequent evolution of the application, how does one turn into another? Examples, if possible, in Java, if possible.

GRASP: application of the creator pattern

Craig Larman (Using UML and patterns , p. 352) proposes the following design problem: Whose responsibility is it to crea ... the sale and the amount provided in the payment. Is there any other relationship between Sale and payment that I can't see?

What is separation of Concerns (SoC)?

I noticed that we don't have a question on this topic. Separation of concerns( SoC), also known as: separation of intere ... like to know: what is it? How does it work? How to reach it? Optionally, a good material to read about (Dijkstra, etc.)

What is requirement said functional and non-functional(quality)? [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... was not corrected and I was in doubt, and today when studying again about the content, I came across the need for an answer.