
White list using iptables for proxies

Good evening, everyone! In general, the task is this: I raised the server for the proxy, which I specify in the client config ... rvers, so that users do not use the proxy separately from the vpn. How can this be implemented with iptables? Tell me please.

Where can I find Russian Proxies?

There is a need for proxies, whose IP addresses would be distributed across all regions of the Russian Federation (well, or a ... service. The actual question is: where to find it?) Maybe there are foreign sites that have an IP in the Russian Federation?

Are there any good proxies for parsing Yandex search results?

I ran into a problem when parsing Yandex-a frequent captcha, very frequent. Using various paid proxies does not solve the pro ... eone has a similar experience or direction that will help you cope with frequent captchas when parsing Yandex search results?

raise the win 10 proxy server

You need to raise the proxy server on your home computer, so that you can use my IP as a proxy remotely. Did as shown here ht ... am. Does not work. Can the problems be due to the fact that the computer is connected via a router and the IP is static gray?

Bypassing the corporate proxy

Hello. Please help me on the topic described in the title. The situation is as follows: there are several computers connect ... white static ip, a Raspberry Pi, and a home PC. Is there any way to configure all this to bypass filters in the organization?

Exception handling. C#. Not all code branches return a value

Hello! I apologize if I repeat myself. There is a method: private string GetContent(string proxy, string address) { var ... atch block and will be called again. Please tell me how to get around this and remove the error. The code was taken from here