
: first-child owl-carousel does not work

Good Morning! I am using owl-carousel plugin which has several items. I need to get the first and last item on the front pag ... gardless of how many items you have. Obs.: sorry for the lack of accent, I'm using a vm and the keyboard is disfigured... :(

Using pseudo Classes in CSS

I know that pseudo classes are: :link, :visited, :hover and :active, but I would like to know if you have how to use pseudo c ... es through class, id or inline. Sometimes I don't want to use a :hover in all h1, only in some. How do I make such a choice?

What is the difference between the pseudo class: root and the * {} in CSS?

Do both have the same function? Both generally define certain procedures. When should I use one or the other?

Using pseudo-elements: after in a DIV simulating an input with LABEL - the Pseudo-element overlays the cursor. How to do not overlap the cursor?

I created an editable DIV simulating an input with a LABEL using the pseudo-element ::after and the pseudo-class :empty. The ... See in the image below that the top of the cursor (pointed by the Red Arrow) appears from leaving behind the LABEL.

What is the utility of: host,: host() and: host-context()

What is the utility of pseudo classes :host, :host() and :host-context()? If possible with some practical example