
Find app by play store search

I first published an app from the Google Play Store, more for testing even, google that goes straight into the app page. The ... there is something I have to do for the app to appear in searches? I'm kind of lost on the Google Play Developer console yet.

Delay in publishing APP-Play store

Good Morning, I'm in doubt about publishing my first public APP on the google Store. I made the publication on 15/08 and unti ... more time. Learn more " . But the delay is too much, is there something missing? Or could I have done something wrong?

Visual Studio - managing locally registered dll publication from homologation and production environment

I'm working with a banco Itaú Dll (itauCripto.dll ), the documentation requires it to be registered locally on the machine ru ... dio publishes the project it is getting lost in this way. Can anyone say what is wrong or how can I make this path relative?