
Push notification Amazon SNS - message cut

Hello, I'm using Amazon SNS to do Push shots through C#. On the Android device, the message is cut in one line, and when y ... s is it possible to set the number of lines, or some other suggestion so that the user can read the full notification? Thks!

Ionic / OneSignal - error changing default notifications icon

I've been trying for some time to change the default OneSignal notifications icon using Ionic, but so far, to no avail. I fo ... <app-root>/platforms/android/res everything works normally, but without the icon I need to insert in the notifications.

Create my own push message server

To use PN (Push Notification) I usually make use of servers in clouds such as Firebase, Azure, etc. Now I've got a service t ... own server. I saw this link in Soen, but if anyone has something simpler and wants to share, I appreciate it. Android Only.

Push notifications with Expo and React Native

I'm developing an App that needs to notify the user, I'm using Expo and React Native to develop Following the Expo documentat ... title="Notificar" onPress={Appl()} /> </View> ); } Of course I've tried other ways but none works.