
Position: fixed, use or not use? Substitute

I recently attended a talk by Sérgio Lopes, in which he talks that Not should use position fixed on mobile. According to hi ... t is not part of this question: in native apps there is no zoom, so if it is a pwa, which is like-app, why not disable zoom??

What are Progressive Web Apps?

Hello, I've read references out there, and to complement our community, follow the doubts. What exactly is Progressive Web App (PWA) or Web application Progressive? What advantages are there compared to native and or hybrid applications?

Service-worker scope?

I am working on a PWA and would like to know if the scope or directory where the service-worker file is located can interfere ... push notifications. Will a file that is inside /statics/sw.js work the same way as one that is at the root of the project??

Clear 'vue-router' history when loading main menu

In a PWA I am using VueJS and I am having problems with the back button of the smartphone, because when I use it the PWA does ... enter the main menu the history of vue-router clean and exit the application without going back several times on the screen??

PWA installation banner settings

I have a PWA that was elaborated using VueJS and I would like to know if it is possible to display the installation banner mo ... s?? Obs.: I've searched the documentation and nothing talks about it, but it also does not talk about appearing only once...

do pwa sites work on iphone as on android?

Good night everyone!!! My question is this: sites made with PWA work the same way on iphone and ipad, as on android? is any change required for iphone? No More, thank you for your attention!!!

Is it possible to change the text of the "Add to home screen" prompt of a PWA? [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... 4x384', type: 'image/png' }, { src: '/icons/icon-512x512.png', sizes: '512x512', type: 'image/png' } ]

Does the operating system cache the PWA application icons automatically?

I am creating a PWA and one of the doubts I have is if I need to cache all the icons that are in the file of manifest. I use ... keeps except, in case I wouldn't have why cachea it. But I did not find anything on the internet that corroborates this view

Manifest.dynamic json? It is possible

Oi, I have a manifest.json that is working perfectly. The problem is that I wanted his start_url to be dynamic and I could ... console.log('ServiceWorker registration failed: ', err); }); }); }; </script>