
How to insert accented characters into text entries in PyQt5?

My text entries in PyQt5 (QLineEdit, QPlainTextEdit, Dialogs,...) do not accept accented characters typed on the keyboard. I ... blem is in PyQt, because when I test in Qt Designer, they work perfectly. I use Ubuntu Studio. Does anyone know how to solve?

How to open a second window in PyQt5 without closing the main one?

I am creating a login interface, and I want that when the user presses a button, it opens a new window in PyQt5 but without c ... p = QtWidgets.QApplication([]) form = uic.loadUi("jan.ui") form.Button.clicked.connect(ButtonClick) app.exec()

How to read text boxes, and create action from the button in PyQt with a form created in the Designer?

Boas, I drew a widget in Qt Desginer, and converted to python, and using the tutorial, I can run the widget (two textbox, 1 ... cation([]) window = Window() form = Form() form.setupUi(window) app.exec_() Thank you for help, greetings.

What secure practices can I adopt to store a password in desktop applications? [closed]

closed . This question needs to be more objective and is not currently accepting answers. ... like browsers can do with cookies? In the specific case of PyQt( or QT), is there any solution for this type of storage?