
I can't import any Python modules

I want to import the module requests From Python into a program I'm doing, but it doesn't stop giving the following error, as ... eu programa And my program (the file . py) is located directly on the desktop of my Mac. Where is my mistake? Thank you!

Submit form in python

I am trying to submit a form on the website , but I have looked for several w ... fully, and wanted to know what I'm doing wrong. If you need the true login and password ask that I send without any problem

Sites with authentication-Web Scraping-Python

BR: I am trying to automate a process of getting data via web using Python. In my case, I need to pull the information from p ... in the browser, I can have access to some file information with post method. But I can not give a print on this information.

Limit amount of characters per Python DataFrame column

I need to limit the amount of characters per column in the Dataframe to insert in SQL Server. Example: I have a DataFrame ... ata['J'] = c10(data['J']) data['K'] = c14(data['K']) data['L'] = c1(data['L']) data Can anyone help me?

In requests, how to correctly read ISO-8859-1 encoding?

In Python3, with beautifulsoup4 and requests, I want to extract some information from a site that has 'ISO-8859-1'encoding. I ... -8' sopa = BeautifulSoup(req.text,'lxml') sopa.find('h1').text '\r\n CÂMARA MUNICIPAL DE SÃO PAULO'

How to correctly read a JSON with multiple subleaves?

In Python3 this code reads the Senate API to create a dataframe, from the propositions of a year import requests import pan ... paths to the information and seem correct Please, does anyone know what the problem is? Or is there a better way to do it?

Extract data from a website and play in your Flask web application

What is module I could use in flask to get data from an API and throws in my web application in the HTML part

Python: SOAP requests, how to make wsdl requests

Hello, I have a wsdl ( ) and I need to make requests, but I d ... ready used the zeep framework and it worked, but it is very slow, I believe that using 'requests' I get a better performance.

Removing duplicate rows

I'm developing my CBT, My TCC, it searches emails on Google collects, does bulk sending etc, I'm having a problem, In thi ... m [email protected] It should just return like this: [email protected] [email protected] But I'm not able to accomplish this.

Website with hidden HTML

I need to extract the sales data of semi-new cars on some sites. One of the sites is that of the company Locamerica. However ... noate=&per_page={}&precode=0&precoate=0" indice_pagina = 1 r = req.get(url.format(indice_pagina)) print(r.text)

Python: requests.get("") never returns anything

When trying to use a requests.get(url) I don't get any response from the server though, adding the kwarg timeout=1 for exampl ... // the problem does not happen and I get the answer almost immediately. 0:00:00.212320.

I would like to know how I write> print ("size = %4.2 F cm" % size) and what does the %4.2 F mean

I'm doing a college assignment and would like to know what the %4.2f means in >>> print("Tamanho = %4.2f cm" % Tamanho) and how is a value (8.47826) represented following such a parameter after the program runs