
Virus in the router via qr code

The essence of the matter is this: I scanned the QR code on the kinetic router. It was thrown out on a malicious site. I didn ... e Rostelecom router, the virus rolled the firmware of the kinetic curve. And that's the end of it. The reset doesn't work ...

Identify whether your computer has QR code reader

The first stage of registration of my project has two layout options: one for those who have QR code reader (web cam) and ano ... do not have. I need to identify if the user's browser has access to the webcam to read the QR Code, How can I do this check?

print QRcode directly Zebra printer by python

I am generating qrcodes by python, so I want to print directly on the zebra label printer, I can already print words containe ... , in printQrCode """+image+""" TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'instance' objects Could anyone help me?

Android QRCODE reader

Guys, so needing to put a qrcode reader in my android app, can someone give me a tip? I don't want it to open another app, I want it to be inside propio app

QR code reader built into my own activity

I am needing to implement a QR code reader in my activity, i.e. without redirecting. Using ZXing will not solve my problem. ... so I can use it in my own ACTIVITY, ok:) Can anyone please point me to a tutorial or give me a hint? I Use Android Studio.

BarcodeDetector does not detect barcode and camera does not focus (I have already put the permissions in manifest)

Good Morning, I am trying to integrate a barcode reader into my application but I am not able to get the camera to detect t ... because I think the focus does not make much difference in this case, but without the focus it is impossible to read barcode

Validity of a QR Code

I have a QR Code that leads to a link. This link, I suppose, will be on the air until 2015. Of course, when the link does not ... d? Or, for example, someone in Transylvania can generate a QR Code identical to mine. I ask this, so I intend to store them.

iPhone does not read accents correctly in QR CODE that works normally on Android

I am generating a QR code from a VCARD using PHP QR Code ( http://phpqrcode.sourceforge.net ) and it works perfectly (except ... ing QRcode::png($codeContents, $tempDir.'026.png', QR_ECLEVEL_L, 7); // displaying echo '<img src="026.png" />';

JavaScript qrcode reader

I am using QR Scanner to try to read QR codes through cameras of devices mobile, but the camera of the device is detected b ... finally chose to remove the code because it can not support all types of devices, but I would still like to know the answer