
How to translate milliseconds into normal time for understanding

I write a small player using QMediaPlayer. There is a signal that is triggered every 1000 milliseconds. I'm wondering, is it ... time like 2:23 (2 minutes twenty-three seconds), or do I need to make 2 widgets; one for minutes and the second for seconds?

How to remove the QML window title

Created the Qt Quick app in QtCreator. I need to remove the title of the window with the name and the close, minimize buttons ... Url) QCoreApplication::exit(-1); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); engine.load(url); return app.exec(); }

Drawing on top of an image in Qt

There is a program that opens the image: pixmap = QPixmap("pic.jpg") self.image = QLabel (self) self.image.setPixmap(pixmap) ... ) if __name__ =='__main__': app = QApplication(sys.argv) ex = MainGui() ex.show() sys.exit(app.exec_())