
Cross-platform way to find out the approximate amount of RAM

Actually, so far, a little clumsy method has come to mind: BYTE GetAvailableMemory(){ llu MaxMemory = Settings: ... e this clumsy memory counter and whether it will also work on Linux and mac, as on Windows (not will it put the system down)?

How to translate milliseconds into normal time for understanding

I write a small player using QMediaPlayer. There is a signal that is triggered every 1000 milliseconds. I'm wondering, is it ... time like 2:23 (2 minutes twenty-three seconds), or do I need to make 2 widgets; one for minutes and the second for seconds?

Qt 5 JSON parsing

I have a QByteArray containing the following JSON: { "response": { "count": 2, "items": [ {" ... emObject, the second debag outputs nothing. Tell me, maybe you need to parse differently or why this method does not work?

Exchange problems in QSerialPort with hardware flow control

Now I'm writing a data exchange program in QT Creator 5.12 through, let's say, a specific data network. The "modems" of this ... y message) { if (serial->isWritable() == false) { return 0; } return serial->write(message); }

Qthread with continuation

I want to make a thread controller that will run the same object Worker several times. How do I do this? Below is an example ... d, this, [] (int i) { qDebug() << "finish" << i; }); _c.start(); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { delete ui; }

Problems with Qt static compilation

There is a problem. I decided to do a static compilation on Qt 5.15.0 MinGW Windows 10. I decided to spend on an empty projec ... f collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status mingw32-make[1]: *** [Makefile.Release:74: release/Test_Static.exe] Error 1

How do I make a relative path to the library?

How do I make a relative path to a dll? File structure: - root - myProg * myProg.exe - myLib * myLi ... b.dll UDP: I still don't understand how to make a manifest file where you need to specify the relative path to the library?

How to make a progress bar for downloading files from the internet in python for pyqt5 GUI

You need to write a script that will install the file from the Internet by clicking on the button, but it should be a progres ... orka.zip' file_name = 'sborka.zip' thread = Thread(target=download_file, args=(url, file_name)) thread.start()

Is it possible to build qt libraries from sources for a 64 bit platform in Windows 7

I worked with the Qt libraries that I compiled from the source code in Windows 7. Built with the following configuration: . ... t libraries without cygwin and mingw. Something like this: .\configure.bat -debug-and-release -platform win-x64-msvc2015 …

How to remove the QML window title

Created the Qt Quick app in QtCreator. I need to remove the title of the window with the name and the close, minimize buttons ... Url) QCoreApplication::exit(-1); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); engine.load(url); return app.exec(); }

Qt C++ QComboBox Palette-setting the color (background-color)

How can I change the background-color QComboBox without using styleSheet? Using this code: QComboBox *cmb = new QComboBox(th ... ins the standard color - how do I change the color of the comboBox completely? (I attach a screenshot of the current result)

Working with the registry on Qt

Using Qt 5.6.1 C++ In general, I need to change the existing value of the parameter, before checking it. But first I decided ... \VirtualStore\Machine\Software\Wow6432Node\Myprogram What is this path, where did it come from? I pointed it out another way.

i3wm does not display Qt5 applications correctly

I3wm (or rather i3wm-gaps) does not correctly display Qt5 applications, namely, it makes widgets disproportionately large. I tried to change something via qt5ct, but it closes when I click on "style sheet"

Problems with building jom and Qt5 from source on Windows

Greetings to all. It is not possible to collect jom from isodniki. I am in the directory c:\jom\jom-build, and in the directo ... ment, but the nmake utility works in 1 thread, so I wanted to install jom to deal with the installation of Qt5 itself faster.

QHeaderView section headers

I created QTableWidget, hung my QHeaderView on it, and it turned out like this: Code: TableViewer = new QTableWidget(1, 2, t ... h their own labels, how to do this? Well, or even hide the header, so that only the cells are displayed in the widget window.

Why does Qt Qreator not see the files it created?

In the files panel, I don't see any files and the original standard project doesn't compile. I just go through the initial vi ... d not determine which "make" command to run. Check the "make" step in the build configuration. Where can I see it? Thank you

Qt 5 platform plugin "windows"

After building the project release, I moved the exe file to a separate directory. Threw all the dlls that he asked for to run ... rt because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows". How do I get rid of this? How to compile correctly?

Regular expression for the \ QRegExp character

Please correct the regular schedule here: QRegExp PIDRegExp(attr + "Rev_(.+)[&\\]"); It is necessary that from this: G&Rev_1100\1 this is drawn out: 1100 instead of the symbol \ there can be another symbol & so I put [&\\]

How can I substitute an image depending on the state of the button?

Hello everyone How to put an image on a button - I did this: Button { id: btn width: 250 height: 100 anchor ... all day, and now I'm asking for your help. This is a standard button (btn_state) This is the pressed button (btn_pressed)

Qt5 Error LNK2019: unresolved external symbol

When adding the code JSParse *jsp = new JSParse(); jsp->sendRequest(); In main.cpp #include "mainwindow.h" #include "s ... rse.cpp HEADERS += mainwindow.h \ glscene.h \ sql.h \ jsparse.h FORMS += mainwindow.ui What is the problem?