
Converting a wav file to an array

Hello everyone. You need to perform a DFT conversion of the wav file. The function is available, graphs are plotted(based on ... Qt myself, I study it in a hurry. Help us implement a function that "pulls" data from a wav file to plot a graph / spectrum.

How do I create a dynamic variable-length array from lineEdit (s)?

I write a program in c++ in the Qt environment, and created an array consisting of lineEdit(s), the program looks like this: ... cause as I click on the button, I need you will need to add more and more elements ,how do I do this? why do I have an error?

Qmake and Rebuild all

Please explain how these buttons work in Qtcreator'e. I read in several guides that qmake executes pro files. These are file ... текст этого файла" write_file($$iss_file, iss) The file appears in the folder only with qmake. When build does not appear.

Creating an android device from qt creator

I can't create an android device from qt creator. The sdk, ndk, jdk, openssl, and the necessary android APIs are installed. T ... tCreator sees the devices created in the studio and works with them normally. No errors or pop-up warnings appear. win10 OS.

How to remove the QML window title

Created the Qt Quick app in QtCreator. I need to remove the title of the window with the name and the close, minimize buttons ... Url) QCoreApplication::exit(-1); }, Qt::QueuedConnection); engine.load(url); return app.exec(); }

How do I run an application written in Qt C++ on another PC where there is no Qt?

I have on my PC, everything runs without errors. I put all the necessary libraries in the .exe folder. But on another PC, it writes that the Qt plugin was not found. Please tell me what to do?

How do I import a Visual C++ project into Qt Creator or vice versa?

I have a goto project in VS in C++ ,does anyone know about such a thing or about a certain set of procedures for moving a project from VS to Qt or vice versa? Or how can I even organize the development of a Qt interface for an application in VS

How to set up QT creator in Mint Linux

Hello, you need to write Linux software for the lab. I put it on Virtual Box Mint(they wrote that it is best for beginners). ... stalled QT Creator, it seems that all the necessary files were downloaded. But in the end, I still can't create a project.

Error: multiple definition of in QWidget

There is a*. h file with the following code: #ifndef CORECOMMANDS_H #define CORECOMMANDS_H #pragma once #include <QString ... sible to fix these errors without adding inline and extern then how can this be done. P. s. pragma once is in all *. h files

How do I specify compilation flags for g++`in Qt Creator 3.3.2?

Good time of day! I have a question. How do I specify compilation flags for g++ in Qt Creator? Not for qmake, but for g++. Is there any way to specify them other than by writing them in the. pro project file?

Why does Qt Qreator not see the files it created?

In the files panel, I don't see any files and the original standard project doesn't compile. I just go through the initial vi ... d not determine which "make" command to run. Check the "make" step in the build configuration. Where can I see it? Thank you

How to connect the GDB debugger for Qt Creator 2.5.2 under Windows?

When debugging a Qt program, it swears at the lack of a debugger. I searched all the settings menu, but I didn't find where to specify the path to the debugger.

Regular expression for the \ QRegExp character

Please correct the regular schedule here: QRegExp PIDRegExp(attr + "Rev_(.+)[&\\]"); It is necessary that from this: G&Rev_1100\1 this is drawn out: 1100 instead of the symbol \ there can be another symbol & so I put [&\\]

qtcreator subproject: multiple definition of main

I connect to the project (the target is an executable file) another project (also executable, that is, not a library) as a su ... ertising films on a system without a window manager, that is, like a screensaver), can only library subprojects be connected?

Deleting an Item in QGraphicsScene C++

The question is this-initialized QGraphicsEllipseItem *ellipse and marked it with QGraphicsScene, how would it be correct to remove this ellipse from the scene?

Incorrect display of Qt 4.8 documentation

Starting with Qt Creator version 4.2.1 and higher, the documentation for Qt 4.8 looks like this: Everything is fine with t ... oblem? Maybe you can download the corrected documentation files somewhere? Or somehow collect *.qch files via qhelpgenerator?

Incomplete UTF8 encoding in the windows 7 console

The project has source files in UTF8 encoding, the code has Russian text that is sent to the console for output. I compile MS ... 001); SetConsoleOutputCP(65001); cout << "Передача" << endl; return 0; } Output to the console:

Help me fix the program with the signals. Qt 5.10

Good evening. There was a problem with the signals. You need to pass the data from the Form to the MainWindow. Without an add ... d MainWindow::on_EnterDataButton_clicked() { connect(ui->EnterDataButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), myform, SLOT(show())); }

Connecting the PSQL Qt Creator driver

Available: 1.Windows 7 64bit; 2.PostgreSQL 9.5 32bit; 3.Qt Creator 4.5; 4.Qt lib 5.10.0; 5.MinGW 5.3.0 32bit Task: conn ... "«endl; } else cout«"Ok"«endl; return a.exec(); } Who faced such a problem? How did you manage to win?

opengl in linux via Qt creator

I am currently working in Ubuntu (mechanical beaver). And I decided to build the first program using opengl (just stupid wind ... fwWindowShouldClose(window) == 0 ); return 0; } But for some reason it does not see the link What am I doing wrong ???