
Cross-platform way to find out the approximate amount of RAM

Actually, so far, a little clumsy method has come to mind: BYTE GetAvailableMemory(){ llu MaxMemory = Settings: ... e this clumsy memory counter and whether it will also work on Linux and mac, as on Windows (not will it put the system down)?

How to use SSD as RAM?

I will immediately make a reservation that I do not need a ram-disk, but I need to make sure that the SSD is considered by th ... one of the VMs it will not allow you to allocate more memory than there is RAM, even if you have a swap file 16 times larger.

I can't disable Antimalware Service Executable

Hello again. This time the error is this-I can't disable Antimalware Service Executable. In the Registry Editor in the HKEY_L ... e is such a file here, it is called DisableAntiSpyware. When I wanted to disable it by changing the value to 1, I got this -

Testing RAM memtest86

Is one standard run in memtest86 4.3.7 enough to be sure of the reliability and serviceability of all the RAM strips? If not, ... ter the first successful run, which took just over an hour, but the second run took almost 6 hours. Is this how it should be?

RAM info with dmidecode --type 17

The ASUS V-PRO Z77 motherboard has 2x2 (Kingston and Corsair) slats of RAM. All four bars of RAM do not cause any complaints ... : Unknown Vendor Syndrome: Unknown Memory Array Address: Unknown Device Address: Unknown Resolution: Unknown