
How to avoid burning out the USB ports on the "raspberry"?

I did a project where the raspberry controlled the arduino via usb, and the arduino, in turn, receiving data through com port ... avoid burning out of ports(from malinai or separately). How can we avoid burning them out(without using galvanic isolation)?

How do I install MNN on a Raspberry Pi 3 to make it work?

OS Raspbian I have already used 3 instructions for installation, 2 of them are official from github. 1 of them did not work a ... ult_path, file_path))) cv2.imshow("UltraFace_mnn_py", image_ori) cv2.waitKey(-1) cv2.destroyAllWindows()

VPN on Raspberry Pi for Telegram

I ran into a problem and can't find a solution. There is NextCloud, which is on RPi 4 with Ubuntu. There was a need to write ... that NextCloud, telegram bot, SSH connection via my white IP, and somehow my own proxy server work? And all this on one RPi?

Flash drive emulation. NFS server?

Hello! I'm trying to connect a Raspberry PI 2 based on Raspbian OS to a third-party device to view photos via USB. I was won ... When connecting a Raspberry, the device must recognize it as a normal flash drive and look at a specific folder with photos.

How to insert query result in mysql with python

I need to insert in the database the result of this query through the temperature medulla. The code is this. The temperatur ... time.sleep(5) else: # Mensagem de erro de comunicacao com o sensor print("Falha ao ler dados do DHT11 !!!")

Read and change Raspberry Pi 3 GPIO pin state

I'm doing a small project with an Rrspberry Pi 3 that consists, among other things, of controlling some outputs through a web ... t;br/> <a href="javascript:window.history.go(-1)">Voltar</a> </body> </html>

Angular 4 application slows down over time [closed]

closed . This question needs details or to be clearer and is not currently accepting answers. ... lable resources (CPU and memory) when the application is slow the Angular application stores almost nothing in the browser

Object counter by an infra red sensor on Raspberry with Python

Hello friends I made an object counter using an infrared sensor and Python, but I would like help to refine the code. Becau ... rue: sensor = gpio.input(36) if sensor == 0: Objetos+=1 print("Objetos Detectados", Objetos)

Command that replaces time.sleep?

I am doing a program that does the detection of colors and shapes of objects with a camera, when the format and the configure ... 1, (0, 255, 255) ) I'm using opencv and all control is done by a Raspberry Pi 3 B+. Thank you for your attention friends.