
Table recognition

Hello everyone Periodically, there is a need to recognize the table and extract information from the cells. Tell me, pliz, wh ... threshold(imgray, 127, 255, 0) image, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(thresh, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)

Remove noise from photos for further text recognition

You need to recognize the text using Python. My choice was the library pytesseract, but it just does a terrible job if there ... ow to filter such photos, which libraries are worth paying attention to, or what materials I should look for on the Internet.

Pulling a letter out of a picture

Greetings to all. I have been suffering for 2 days. I need to get these letters out of the picture, but I can't figure out ho ... What can I do about it? The main thing is to get the letter out of it. To be honest, I don't know what to do with it anymore.

How to work with AntiGate correctly?

Hello. Such a problem: I found an API for working with AntiGate, but every time I get the wrong answer. Code: Antiga ... } Captcha example: Http://i65.fastpic.ru/big/2014/0831/30/8a8f25599cfa10ae5c8651fff3373b30.jpeg What am I doing wrong?

How to add negative examples to a training data set for knn ocr opencv python

I want to improve the accuracy of my opencv knn algorithm according to the recommendations of this tutorial https://opencv-py ... cially incorrect). Tell me how to increase the accuracy by adding negative data: 1. How do I add them? 2. Where to add them?

Python text recognition - support for Russian and simplicity

What libraries are there for python to recognize text (NOT handwritten, but a screenshot of the screen) ? I would like to: Support for Russian Maximum simplicity

How do I do digit recognition?

Hello! It just so happens that I'm a novice android developer and I'm doing a small project-an application for a smartphone t ... n of recognizing numbers about the same as in the photo. How can I implement it, which libraries to use, what steps to do it?

Which recognition method is relevant for recognizing handwritten letters (Cyrillic)?

If the task is to recognize handwritten letters, which method/algorithm of machine learning is most relevant and gives more a ... s of the Russian alphabet. We need help in choosing the most optimal algorithm/method for recognizing handwritten characters.

Improving pytesseract recognition

I am trying to do recognition of a distinct set of letters - Arcane Adress in a frame, but Tesseract fails. How can I impro ... \AA.png").crop((804, 540, 1120, 580)) text = pytesseract.image_to_string(img, lang='eng') print(text) img.show() My image