
How to remove the percentage icon in the react-router-dom address bar

I use react-router-dom to go to the details page about the movie. In the path, I specify pathname: `/about/${value.title}`, ... <Switch> <Route path="/about/:name" children={<ChooseFilm />} /> </Switch> Thanks!

When updating the page, it writes "Cannot GET /login" - BrowserRouter from react-router-dom

I made a test of the route on the react: import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import { BrowserRouter ... Is this the normal behavior of BrowserRouter? Or do I misunderstand something, because the example I found works correctly?

How to make a switch with nested components in react router v4?

Good day to all! I'm going through this tutorial. There is such a code there: <Router history={browserHistory}> < ... component={NotFound} /> </Switch> This option does not display NotFound. Tell me, please, what is the problem?

Render components according to route

I am developing an application with React. I have the index file.jsx below: import React from 'react'; import { render } fr ... e; return { alert }; } const connectedApp = connect(mapStateToProps)(App); export { connectedApp as App };