
How to remove the percentage icon in the react-router-dom address bar

I use react-router-dom to go to the details page about the movie. In the path, I specify pathname: `/about/${value.title}`, ... <Switch> <Route path="/about/:name" children={<ChooseFilm />} /> </Switch> Thanks!

When updating the page, it writes "Cannot GET /login" - BrowserRouter from react-router-dom

I made a test of the route on the react: import React from "react"; import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; import { BrowserRouter ... Is this the normal behavior of BrowserRouter? Or do I misunderstand something, because the example I found works correctly?

What is the difference between React-router BrowserRouter and HashRouter?

Tell me, what is the difference between BrowserRouter and HashRouter? And in which cases is it better to use this or that option?

create routes with react-router-dom

The situation is as follows, I'm using react-router-dom in an app in ReactJS, I'm learning how to use ReactJS. So I create tw ... NDENCY: Unsupported platform for [email protected]: wanted {"os":"darwin","arch":"any"} (current: {"os":"win32","arch":"x64"})

React-react-router-dom repeating components

I am developing a login/signup page in React, however, I ran into the following problem: <div className="auth-container"& ... enim. </p> </div> </Slider> </div> ); }