
Redirecting captcha input for a Java program

The problem is as follows: There is a Java server that parses various sites and, as expected, it catches a Captcha and asks ... grammatically User_Agent, referer and I put down other headers. Question: Is there any possibility of solving this problem?

How to pass recaptcha in e2e tests?

I am writing an e2e test for an angular application. For login\registration, you must pass the captcha. Everyone writes to te ... no desire to play with sessions or work with puppiter, there should be a normal way to pass the captcha for those who use it.

Google's reCAPTCHA is not displayed

Registered on reCAPTCHA. The captcha code is inserted in the first form on the page. The captcha is displayed correctly and w ... s, the captcha is not displayed.What could be the problem? Perhaps there is a separate captcha for each form? Please help me.

Adding a Google captcha "I'm not a robot"

Is it possible to add a captcha on the local server? How is this correctly done for a regular form (share the link, found only under wordpress)?

How to use Google reCAPTCHA to block a certain part of a page?

For example, I have a site in Wordpress, that the content is shown only after validating Google reCAPTCHA, I have looked fo ... ue isso seja mostrado na pagina somente depois que passar pelo reCAPTCHA do Google)</p> </body> </html>

How to force recaptcha to expire your session?

I'm trying to make modifications with the recaptcha expiration message, but I can't see it (occasionally if I leave a tab ope ... cXhO', 'expired-callback' : expCallback }); }; var expCallback = function() { alert('ok'); };

How to make Google reCAPTCHA mandatory " required"

Well, I implemented Google reCAPTCHA on my site forms, working normally, but it is possible to send the forms without selecting the captcha, how do I make it a mandatory field before submitting as a "required" ?

Consult NFE website = [closed]

closed. this question is out of scope and is not currently accepting answers. ... itch to reCaptcha it is no longer being possible. How can I do this using WebService in PHP ? Does anyone have any example

totally invisible reCaptcha

I'm making a page that will send a form by Javascript (JQuery), not the usual way . The purpose of the feat is not to have to ... nd it to the server. If anyone knows any way to solve please help me. I would even like to not include that DIV in the HTML.

How do I add a link on a page and only proceed after I do recaptcha?

I want to do the same to this site, add a link and just go through it if I check in recaptcha. Https:// ... no!"); return false; } } </script> <?php } ?> </body> </html>

Delphi Twebbrowser Validate Recaptcha

I'm accessing a website to get some information, I'm using delphi with the twebbrower component, but it has a validation with recaptcha, can anyone tell me how I can validate recaptcha programmatically?

Recaptcha does not render

I'm trying to put a recaptcha in my view, but it doesn't render at all and the following exception appears: Warning: JSF ... e"> </p:layoutUnit> </p:layout> </h:body> </html> Link to Stacktrace

Anti-Captcha - Error " Wrong Captcha"

I run into the following problem: when submitting a form, after solving a captcha, the following error is returned: wrong ... is pre-entered, however, the error is returned (after clicking the button). May the returned token be wrong ? Thank you.

How to implement Google reCAPTCHA on my website?

I'm trying to implement Google's reCAPTCHA on my site, and I can't do the Server-Side integration (I use the PHP language). H ... an I make reCAPTCHA work, and perform validation before submitting my form data? Google reCAPTCHA source and documentation

Paste reCaptcha value Google Ajax

I am registering a form with Ajax, how to implement the use of reCaptcha? <input type="text" name="email" id="email" clas ... works perfectly with registration, as I can send the reCaptcha value to the function and validate it in the file .php? Vlw