
How to redirect website to desktop version?

My site has two versions: Desktop and Mobile. When I access by mobile "", I am redirected to the mobile ve ... n the parameter to pass in the URL. How can I solve this? How can I force redirection to Desktop version when I'm on mobile?

How to redirect user to another page in JavaScript / jQuery?

I would like to know what redirect methods exist in Javascript, and also using jQuery, and if possible, I would like to know all of them.

Redirecting URLs from the same domain via htaccess

I would like to direct through htaccess two url of the same domain, of type 301. Example: Redirect ... [NC] RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [L,R=301] </IfModule>

Website redirect error

My site always redirects from to (with slash at the end). Why? How to know what is causing this redirect? Note: I don'T have HTACCESS on my site.