
Latex-natbib quote without brackets

I want in some places the command "\citep{XX} " to reference in the format [XX] and in others it appears only XX. XX is the Reference Number (1, 2, 3,....). Package definition: \usepackage[numbers]{natbib} Can anyone help me?

Undefined object reference for an instance

"undefined object reference for an instance" of an object I'm having this problem here in my project in and already ... error after removing all try: Procedure or function 'uspInserirCliente' expects parameter '@Fixo', which was not supplied.

Excel formula for searching part of text in a table

I have a table of banks and codes in two columns. Ex.: Banco do brasil S / A 001 State Bank of Rio Grande do Sul-Banrisu ... t of the name is written, How do I look in an entire column for an expression within the one text of each cell of the column?

how to pass by value in JavaScript

I have the following Situation: let a=[{nome:"oi"},{nome:"xau"}] let b=Object.assign([], a) b[0].nome=5 console.log(b) // ... e Object.assing, but still it is not working, someone can help me as I would to change the b [0].name without changing the a?

Referencing Python Variables

I'm learning programming on my own and as much as I search online, I can't understand exactly why the following reference doe ... rmat, for some reason the reference works, but I wanted this greeting to be method independent. I appreciate your attention.

What is type reference?

I was Reading regarding the keyword ref and came across a warning that said not to confuse passing by reference with type ... about the subject, because I could not visualize the explanation. Question So, I would like to know what type reference is?

If everything in C# inherits from Object, why are all types not by reference?

If, for example, a struct type inherits from the Class System.ValueType (which inherits from System.Object), Why is it, and t ... llocated in the heap ? When doing a boxing , we don't use the new operator, how is our type by value allocated in the heap?

Parameters with vectors in Java are always by reference?

I am aware that in Java, any parameter pass of an object is by reference, already with primitive types, by value. However, I ... tself or generating a copy? A vector is considered primitive or object (since it points to the address of the first element)?

C++ (basic): for, references and syntax

My teacher presented this function to US: void escala(std::vector<double> &v, double fator) { for (auto & ... o well that I am with doubt 1. I did not find anything on the internet about, always appears the standard syntax 'for (;;)'.

Error: a property or indexer that cannot be passed as an out or ref parameter

I am in doubt about the error CS0206 maybe a property or indexer cannot be passed as an out or ref parameter on line 39 and 4 ... 40| Write($"Digite a quantidade do {i}º produto: "); 41| (!int.TryParse(ReadLine(), out produtos[i].Quantidade)) return 1; x

What is the purpose of the symbol " & " in the declaration of an object?

I noticed that in some declarations of variables/objects you use * for the Declaration (thus generating a pointer), but in so ... ation using &. const MyClass & my_class = object.getMyClass(); What is the " & " for when declaring an object?