
1:1 relationship

I am having problems in the relationship of my tables products and stock. the stock table is responsible for storing the qua ... ock. What would be the best option for this case? If none of them are good practice, what could I do? note: I'm using mysql.

Mutually exclusive relationship (MER)

I know there are several ways to implement this conceptual model, but I would like to know the best way (if there is one tha ... consistency at the project level conceptual? In this link you can see another example about mutually exclusive relationship

What is the advantage of a 1:1 relationship?

I have a database (MySQL), and in a table I am having about 80 columns. I'm thinking of separating this information into othe ... etc. What is the advantage of using multiple tables with a 1: 1 relationship, instead of using everything in the same table?

Example and illustration about redundant relationships (MER)

Context Consider the sentence below: States: Relationships that are the result of the combination of other relationships ... FCC - 2012-TRE-CE - Judicial Analyst-Systems Analysis discipline: database (it) - subjects: MER (relationship entity Model)

Search in Table of values in excel

Hello! I am doing a cost table for my company and I am needing to do a search on a Value table, but the only way I currentl ... g is the key to the vertical header of it. I know how to do this in Java, but I don't know "write this in excel". Grateful!

Is it possible to state that the scheme is normalized in 3FN?

Explaining the context On the internet I found an example of a scheme described like this: Account (num-account, descr-a ... t, descr-account) and launch(numconta, NUM-lanc, data-lanc, value-lanc). Doubt Would the above example be normalized to 3FN?

Software to create MySQL DB relationship and structure

I am with a project in mind and would like to map the data and create the relationship of the tables, even if only visually b ... create the fields of the tables and the relationship between them, nothing complex like Microsoft Visio, nothing of diagram.

Difference between RIGHT JOIN and LEFT JOIN [duplicate]

this question already has answers here : ... plies the difference, and the reason for having the 2 terms, of so the 2 were created, and created by someone. Thank you.

Create a new table for optional values

Have a problem creating a new table for fields that are not required ? For example in the endereco table (cod_endereco, logra ... l), the second ja and with two tables where the complement table will only be filled if the user informs the complement.

Laravel how to conduct consultation in the bank applying" exceptions " with relationship?

I need to take all users with "Exceção " those of the function that contains id=2, is it possible? Can you fit a Where into ... sents the id of the function find(1) However I need to catch all users of all functions except the do id = 2 is possible?

How can I relate 3 tables using Laravel

Hello, I need some help with Relationships. I am studying Laravel and came across this problem. I could use Join, but I wan ... public function colaborador() { return $this->hasOne(Colaborador::class); } } Thank you right now!! :)

How to make this kind of relationship in Django?

I have the models "subscriber": class Assinante(models.Model): name = models.CharField("Nome", max_length=32, null=Fals ... latinium | 119,99 | Planos | Plano | Preço | | Prata | 29,99 | | Gold | 79,99 | | Platinium | 119,99 |

N:N relationship in Django with grid call

Good night. I am creating a system in Python / Django where I have an n:n relationship between a table personand another p ... ;/tr> {% endfor %} The following error is appearing in the listing: people.People.None . Does anyone know the solution?

Conditional relationship diagram between classes

I made a diagram and modeled the partners class to engage customers, suppliers, service providers, etc., which will inherit a ... t relate to two at the same time. Could you please evaluate in general and tell me if it is incorrect, What I need correct?

Cardinality in database-one-to-one relationship

I'm studying database, and at the moment Beyond Bank definitions, type of models I'm seeing cardinality! I have doubts in thi ... igem (min = 1, max=1) and Destino (min = 0, max=1) That is-apparently: the payment as Origin and the billet as destination!