
Export SQL query data to Excel

Good afternoon, guys. I created a database for control of receipt and delivery of Cards. The inclusion of data is carried ou ... s presented below: The error is pointed out in the penultimate line of the report function where the " rs.Open sql, cn "

Word as the basis for a report in delphi that has detail

Guys I have a standard word document used in the company to make a list of presence in trainings, but now they want to genera ... raining name, date and instructor, but I need somehow a loop to fill in the detail. Can anyone help me? It's kind of urgent.

iReport missing special character when exporting PDF

I am using iReport 3.7.4 to generate the reports. In one of the reports, I need to use an arrow, to indicate a step by step. ... Entities that indicate the step by step disappear from the report. Does anyone have any idea how I can fix this ? ➜ = ➜

What is the difference between Table and Matrix and List in Report View?

So far in my reports I have been using tables and I link my datasets to these. But today I had the need to use a List to create a card(I'm still trying to understand how it works). When to use Table, Matrix and List and their differences?

Printing with path name saved in a table

I created a table called Funcionarios where I have at least 2 fields: ID and caminho_impressao. Where I put for example: ... e But I couldn't generate the file. The following error message appears: Question How can I handle this error in private?

How to merge cell in Reporting Services

Hello Guys, I need a help with a situation in Reporting Services. I need to merge cells into data in Reporting Services a ... main of my report. the data is being listed from a "procedure" . I also need the header to be displayed once. grateful.

Problems with Header and footer reporting with mPHP

I'm taking a look at mPHP to learn how to make reports with PHP, due to a case that occurred in my work, now I want to beware ... t;SetHTMLFooter($footer,"O"); $mpdf->charset_in='windows-1252'; $mpdf->WriteHTML($pdfCompleto); $mpdf->Output();

How do Extent Reports generate an HTML report when the test gives error outside the @Test tag?

I created a report template for my test project that is so far meeting my demand, however, if the test fails outside the '@Te ... t.close(); } My testing project is for Mobile, I am using TestNG, version 6.10 for my Java tests, with Appium version 7.0.