
How do I call a remote web service method via the browser bar? | Java

Interface: @WebService @SOAPBinding(style = SOAPBinding.Style.RPC) public interface WsdlWebService { @WebMethod Str ... location=""/> </port> </service> </definitions>

Pornhub authorization (python)

Who can tell you how to implement authorization via request for pornhub? You need to get a link to download the video, witho ... l2 = "" r2 =, data=data) print(r2.text) s.cookies This authorization does not help.

Parsing 2gis via request bs4 python

Colleagues, tell me, does anyone have any experience in parsing a 2gis site through request and bs4? Through selenium it is p ... ith requst parse, but there is a problem with csrf tokens, but I can not find more or less clear information on the Internet.

I'm working with the Youtube API KEY. And I can't get the status of the code 200 in any way

But at the same time, with the same parameters, React shows the status of the code 401. Although the authorization of my account was in Google. I need help with this.

Herokuapp request error

Please tell me who knows, this is a problem, I'm taking a course on js and there you need to make requests to the server and ... rked yesterday, and today connection errors and CORS. Wait for it to work? Yesterday, this link returned a huge cities object

Python 3.6 Does not recognize Russian characters

Python 3.6, PyCharm Community 2017.1, Windows I'm trying to get its HTML code from a web page for further parsing via Beauti ... e: РаÑпиÑание занÑÑий ФСÐÐ How do I fix this? Otherwise, it is impossible to read further what is parsed

Authorization on the site via

Good time of day! On the site, I implement getting an OAuth access token from and I came across the problem that af ... here is I suspect that this is the whole point, but if anyone has encountered such a problem, please tell me how to solve it!

C# POST request for API access

You need to make a POST request to one site, I have a key to its API. Can you please tell me how to implement a request to th ... ication/json" -X POST -d '{"Param1":"Value1","Param2":"Value2"}' https:/название сайта. Thank you in advance for your help)

Python2. An existing connection was forcibly closed by a remote node

Error: requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', error(10054, 'An existing connection was forcibly clos ... e to send a request to more than 5-10 addresses from one IP address? Already even headers put, to think that I am not a bot.

Python-image download via url

Any way to download images with python? I know there is a way with bs4, but I don't know what it is, but I accept any possibility Url as an example:

How to use variable value outside of your callback? Javascript [duplicate]

this question already has an answer here : ... ariable. But when giving console.log into it next, it remains null, and I can't use the contents of the body variable. Tips?

AWS-how to CRUD in S3

I recently started studying AWS, and I'm feeling totally lost about the meaning of some things, how they work, and what their ... .Open)) { request.InputStream = stream; // Put object PutObjectResponse response = client.PutObject(request); }

OMDb API sorting items python dictionary

I need to make a program that given certain name, return the name of the movie and the year it was released using the OMDb ap ... , key=lambda t: t[1])) for i in dic['Search']: print("Titulo: " + i['Title'] + "\n" "Ano: " + i['Year'])

Error using urllib library

I'm trying to make a simple application Hello World by taking a look at the documentation with the library urllib in order t ... rtificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:1045)> Could anyone assist me in resolving this?

How to get Gmail source code using Python3

I am accessing the Email using this code q I found and adapted: import requests from bs4 import BeautifulSoup form_data = ... :\"en,es,pt,ja,fr\"},{\"1\":\"be_274\",\"53908043\":0},{\"1\":\"39\",\"53908046\":0} How can I get the correct source code?

How to fix the "EPROTO" error after updating the Node version?

The following code works in version v10.15.3: const { post } = require('request'); const { post } = require('request'); po ... ternal/stream_base_commons.js:83:16) { errno: 'EPROTO', code: 'EPROTO', syscall: 'write' } How can I fix the problem?

Use of $ REQUEST instead of $ GET, POST POST and COOKIE COOKIE

In PHP we have the global variable available $_REQUEST which can be used instead of using global variables individually $_GET ... lue compared to a more specific use through the other three variables indicated or by using $_REQUEST it would be complicate?