
require and include

Hello comrades! I understand that the question is repeated, but it is still relevant! The official PHP resource does not say ... s('_tools_configurations')) ? 'ok': 'no'; require('./system/tools/_/_tools_configurations/_tools_configurations.php'); ?>

require once does not work

I'm trying to give require_once in a PHP file that has a class. The file I'm trying to include in PHP with the class has on ... inside the class constructor, and it worked out, now I assign $db_data to an attribute and have everything inside the class.

What to use require / include/require once / include once?

I am developing an application in PHP and would like to know when and why to use require or include or require_once or includ ... ce ('myfile.php'); require_once ("myfile.php"); require_once "myfile.php"; Is any of the forms correct? Are they all there?

NodeJS: difference between requests (require)

I started learning NodeJS and noticed that there are some ways to require a file, two of them are: const app = require('lib ... e he saw somewhere (who doesn't remember) that one of them is heavier and can influence performance whenever the file is run.

Access config variables.php

I'm a beginner in php and I'm having a problem, I have a config file.php like this: <?php $config['dbHostname'] = 'local ... functions that would use these variables of config.php but I could not access them in any way, please could someone help me?

Read files in a directory sorted by creation date

I have the following code to include all PHP files I find in a directory: if (is_dir(CONF_REL_PATH_BANANAS)) { foreach (g ... ns of new files. Question How can I read existing files in a directory getting the same ones sorted by their creation date ?

PHP require () giving error 500

I have a system recently developed in PHP7 on Windows, and I decided to migrate to Debian9. At the moment everything works, b ... /45569941/php-require-causing-http-500-error?rq=1 Https://

How to add directories to module search in Lua?

I'm having a problem with the require function, I want it to look for a lua file, but I don't want to specify the folder, and ... nt specify the folder because on someone else's computer will not work, why the folder has a different name, so how can I do?

Use of undefined constant

Good was with the same problem of this question, gave an answer to use define('ROOT_PATH', dirname(__FILE__));, (my problem ... ire_once DIRETORIO . '/controller/logincontroller.php'; // linha 27 LoginController::logar($usuario, $senha); }