
Adjust form layout according to monitor resolution

I made a form in fullscreen, where the monitor I use is 23" inches. But where the functionality will be deployed, they use 1 ... Is there any way to make it responsive according to the monitor or will I have to edit the size of the components? 23" 19"

How to make a background image fill the entire screen without losing the resolution of the image

I have a part on my site where I need to put a background image occupying the entire screen, both width and height. I managed ... size of 3000 x 1000. And in smaller sizes too. All images are in PNG, saved in Photoshop as a web file. Can anyone help me?

How to detect screen resolution to apply layout on android?

How to detect certain screen size and apply the specific layout ? Example: I created a layout folder called "layout_480x800 ... er mobile, and I need that according to the type of screen, the layout is applied. Do you have any sample code to show me ?

Optimal maximum resolution for displaying content in mobile mode

Taking as an example the Bootstrap 4 grid system whose classes treat the content with specific breakpoints according to the ... splayed in desktop mode on a higher resolution smartphone, the elements can get too small on the screen, impairing the view.

What is the difference between "Css resolution" and " Pixel resolution"

Would you like to know why a @media(max-width: 400px) is applied on a mobile phone that has 1440px / 2960px ? How does it ... and the max-width: 400px has been applied. What is the difference between the two? The browser that makes this distinction ?

Change banner according to screen size?

Aiming for the best load time performance of my site I wanted to make the homepage banner smarter. For screens up to 1600px ... a <img id="banner"> like could you make this move to change the src dynamically? Is this common on websites nowadays?