
Modx pdoMenu how to output only the first level?

The menu structure is as follows: -Документ без вложенности -Документ без вложенности -Документ с 1-уровневой вложенностью -- ... [[!pdoMenu? &parents=`-1` &level=`1` &limit=`6` &tplOuter=`BottomMenuTplOuter` &tpl = `BottomMenuTpl` ]]

How to display the daughters of the desired modx api + ajax resource?

What am I trying to do? There is a tree -Родитель1 --дочка1 --дочка2 -Родитель2 --дочка1 --дочка2 --дочка2... There are ... ) I specified get('pagetitle') - as a result, the correct one is output title, but with the daughters of some kind of trouble

How do I get the last character from a variable?

echo "[[*id]]"; //выводит 671 How do I select the last character -1 from here? $str = '[[*id]]'; echo $str; // 671 $last = substr($str,-1); echo $last; //выводит ]

How to specify the quantity for the sizes L, M,S in one product

In the shopkeeper store there are products clothing there are tv parameters price, inventory, gender, size. As in tv size, wr ... ducts how to register all the sizes in one product at once? Tell me at least where to dig or someone faced a similar problem?

Sendex + MODX REVO sms mailing list

The question arose as to how to get the phone numbers of registered users subscribed to a particular subscription. The follow ... send("", 80, "api_login", "api_password", "7хххххххххх", "text here", "iqsms", "");

Two conditions when using IF Modx Revo

I have this code [[*lock:is=`1`:then=`Locked`:else=`Open`]] I need to use one more condition, something like this: [[*lo ...`0`:then=`Locked`:else=`Open`]] Only it doesn't work that way. How do I write the AND condition correctly?

Why is the migx field not output via getImageList MODX Revo?

Made the migx field [{ "caption":"Новый материал к уроку", "fields": [ { "field":"title", "caption":"Название материала", "i ... to get the file name and it was a link in the end, in the setting of this additional field, the output type was specified URL

Output of the sequence number of the child element of the nearest parent MODX Revo pdoTools?

I continue to study modx and pdoTools. I have: -Отец // id = 19 --Сын 1 ---Внук 1 ---Внук 2 ---Внук 3 ---Внук 4 --Сын 2 ---В ... m to be the same. [[pdoMenu? &parents=`19` &level=`0` &tpl=`@INLINE` &countChildren=`1` ]]

MODX Revo output of the total number of additional resources?

I continue to study modx and pdoTools. I have: -Отец --Сын 1 ---Внук 1 ---Внук 2 ---Внук 3 ---Внук 4 --Сын 2 ---Внук 1 ---Вн ... correctly, but how to sum them up? To as a result, it turned out like this: <div class="countChildren">17</div>

MODX How do I filter by TV fields?

Do not tell me how to correctly write such a request in pdoResources Лифт: пассажирский Помещение: 1 Грузоподъёмность: от 30 ... pacity:IN": [300,800] Maybe someone has an example of filtering (the select field and the FROM and TO field are interested)?

The tickets plugin doesn't work in MODX Revo, why?

Experts. Another question about MODX Revo. I needed a comment system on the site and installed the tickets 1.9.4 plugin last ... it in head, and disabling it doesn't help. The Ticket itself does not add any js file (it seems, at least not the library).