
Noindex nofollow of equal sites

I have two identical sites, same content, design, everything(one is homologation the other production). Are in different doma ... ex follow, and the other is noindex nofollow, I would like to know if I will have duplicate content problem with these sites?

What meaning in using robots file on pages on Github?

According to this Stack Overflow response it is possible to use robots.txt to prevent search engines from indexing pages that ... den or hidden, then would it be necessary to pay for the GitHub platform and have access to the private repositories feature?

How to exit the color palette when selecting a color when using a drawing bot in python?

I have a python script of a bot that loads an image and draws it automatically, but I'm passing this script to paint,but I ca ... =\n") print ("1: Posicione o cursor em CIMA do ícone do LÁPIS e dê ALT+X") triggerAltX() iniciarPrograma()