
Translation, rotation and scaling of a rectangle

Imagine the following rectangle A and rhombus B: Rectangle A has dimensions 4200 by 3000. Rhombus B has the maximum dimen ... t point. Obs.: It is for use in Phaser.IO for the user to walk around the map (a = pixels and B = places where he can walk)

Arduino rotary Encoder LPD3806-600BM China manufacturer

I have a project for college where I have to perform a measuring wheel. In the case I used a rotary encoder to perform the me ... 1) It would not exit from 0 as the wheel will not count a negative value. In the project I am using an LCD for the positions.

Rotate image around center itself

I am developing an application in C # and would like to know how to freely rotate a bitmap that is drawn on a pictureBox wi ... ound the specified point, however I would like the image to rotate around your own center. Can anyone help with this problem?

Android capture device rotation without rotating the app

I have an application with Android Webview, my activity is set to portrait: <activity android:name=".activity.Ma ... ation of only a video from inside the webview make an animation and rotate as well. Does anyone have a solution to this case?