
Write a route through an IP address that is not in my subnet

There are two servers. Primary (Gentoo) and secondary (virtual/Centos). The main one has an external IP A. A. A. A, the auxil ... server as the gateway, because it is not in the subnet of the main server. I would be grateful for any information. Thank you

Centos 5 + vlan -> centos6 + vlan = what has changed?

Good afternoon, I transfer the system to new hardware and at the same time the OS. There was Centos 5. x, one physical netwo ... only on CentOS 5, everything works there.. P. s. I created files for vlans in the form of, and as ifcfg-vlanid

ASP.NET Link routing

How can I create a route: localhost:port/folder? path=S, where S is a variable that takes the value [Route("Files/[controlle ... Path) { return "value"; } But I was wrong somewhere :D I'm just dealing with, waiting for criticism

How to return" waypoint order " in Google Directions API?

I am developing a system to trace route using Google Maps API. I have the points of origin and destination and between these ... int 2 But returns waypoint_orderattribute [3, 0, 2, 1, 3]. Question Is this the expected behavior, or is something missing?

Roads ASP.NET disfigured

From so much trying and fuçar I think I ended up disfiguring something important, so I can not make the routes work. In this ... enters normally, but I want to access the loginprofessional controller and after the login made, redirect to within an Area.

SlimFramework: Method not allowed. Must be one of: GET

I am having difficulty solving an error that is giving in slim framework. I have a contact page that is accessed /p / contact ... })->setName('site.pagina'); What I need is to take the data entered in the form via post to the url / p / contact

Problem with route in Laravel; my page does not access the bootstrap files that are on the layout page

I would like a fork, I'm starting with laravel 6 and I'm having the following problem; I have a layout page inside the "vie ... strap files and the page loses the stylization. I would like to know why this problem is and how to solve it. Hugs now! ;)

Page Not Found error 404, [Route ("categories/list / {page=1}")] in Asp.Net MVC

Hello, I'm having a problem regarding Route configuration in the Asp.Net MVC. The problem is that I created a test page where ... . doesn't work either if you copy the url above and paste it into another browser. If anyone knows it would be a good help.

Navigation with named routes

I'm trying to create some named routes in flutter. Clicking a floating button should direct me to a screen called new_flight. ... ds StatelessWidget { @override Widget build(BuildContext context) { return Container(); } } Project Structure

How to create routes in App using Ionic and Angulas.js?

Edited I was able to create routes with an example from the site itself. But I noticed that the controllers are in the sa ... een would be in its own html file with its own js file. Ex: Index.html / app.js home.html / home.js help.html | help.js