
RSA encryption

If I have, for example, prime factors: p (1119182087) q (1861375333), their product (m) 2083217929877259971 and e (5), how can I encrypt a message with a public key using this data? Who can give you a sample code?

Reverse public key encryption in c# and php

I have a c# application and a php server. The app must be activated for a fee. After activation, a request is sent to the ser ... ey). Most likely this can be implemented via rsa-1, but I don't really understand how( I will be glad to receive any hints)

RSA encryption by Modulus and Exp with node-rsa

I do authorization on the site, the password is encrypted by the public RSA mod+e. Key HEX: d3bcef1f00424f3261c89323fa8cdfa1 ... 3fb', 'hex'), e: 65537 }, 'components-public'); const encrypted = key.encrypt('qwerty', 'hex'); console.log(encrypted);

RSA decryption problem

I am working on the RSA algorithm and in general everything works out, but there is a problem with decryption. For some numbe ... (d) || test != 1); return d; } Why is the decryption broken at some points ? After all, the condition (x source

Convert int to uint16 t and *uint16 t

You need to add RSA encryption to the postgre extension. Be sure to use the C language. I found an implementation on habr htt ... will have to do the same with char) to uint16_t and *uint16_t? I don't know how to apply for the entrance, how to look at it.

I plan to implement RSA encryption in Java with obtaining the public key from the server in php. What's the best way to do it?

I plan to implement RSA encryption in Java with obtaining the public key from the server in php. How best to pass the key, where to store the private key, and can the same key pair be generated each time?

RSA decryption in openssl c++

It is necessary to decrypt the information that comes from the server, which is encrypted with the client's public key and si ... out; return out_str; Please tell me how to do it right for me decrypt information in c++ with openssl, thanks in advance

How can I encrypt a message with my own key using the RSA method?

How can I encrypt a message with my own key using the RSA method? import rsa (pubkey, privkey) = rsa.newkeys(512) message = b'Hello world!' # шифруем crypto = rsa.encrypt(message, pubkey) print(crypto)

RSA encryption in C#

I want to make a simple RSA encryption algorithm embedded in .Net by means of. How I see it: Creating an RSA object. We ge ... itional information: The parameter was set incorrectly. " Googling the error did not give any results. What am I doing wrong?

Why does the RSA encryption algorithm not work?

Good day to all I implemented the RSA encryption algorithm, but it doesn't work under the given p, q, n, e, d. In order not ... Inputed: Hello 99 -- c 99 -- c 99 -- c 99 -- c 99 -- c Encrypted: ccccc Decrypted: Can someone tell me why it doesn't work ?

Problem with RSA encryption

In one of the answers to the question about rsa encryption, the code that I am trying to run was given. Actually, my code loo ... ompiles without errors, but it doesn't even output Hello, World at startup. Help me find the error, c# just started studying.

Asymmetric encryption-algorithm

I decided to understand how RSA encryption works. Here is the algorithm that I got working the first time. I use php and th ... hange public keys? After all, in the literature they write about the exchange of public keys. Isn't such an algorithm enough?