
Taylor series decomposition of a function(Python). Approximate value of the function

It seems that I enter the correct value of the Taylor series expansion of the function, but it does not give the correct valu ... d(f(a),5),end=' ') print(round(f_tochne(a,lich),5)) lich+=1 a+=krok[![введите сюда описание изображения][1]][1]

Calculating the sine using the Taylor series

In this problem, we need to calculate the sine of the argument, and the use of the sin function is prohibited, that is, we us ... double x; for(int i=0; i<N; i++){ scanf("%lf\n", &x); printf("%0.15lf\n", Sin(x)); } }

There are problems when calculating the sum of an infinite series

I wrote the code, according to the requirements (I will attach the task in the screenshot). It calculates everything, it does ... still think that the calculation of the infinite series itself is not correct, but I can not understand what I did wrong)

checking the convergence of the sum of a series with an accuracy of epsilon, C#

There is generally such a task. I am interested in whether it was solved correctly (the code below). It is not quite clea ... double sum = f; while (Math.Abs(f)>eps) { n++; f *= Math.Pow(x, n) / ((n + 2) * Math.Pow(2, n)); sum += f; }

Given an integer n(entered from the keyboard). Calculate the sum of n terms

Task: Given an integer n (entered from the keyboard). Calculate the sum of n terms: #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include ... an into the problem that in m I output m=0 and it does not change. What could be wrong? I do the addition of m + some number.

Loops on assembler

I tried to write a code whose task sounds like this: find the sum of the numbers of the natural series from 1 to N, which are ... n the link below didn't help me. Https://stackoverflow.com/questions/42188685/implementing-a-flow-1-if-else-if-2-in-assembly

The sum of the first n natural numbers and the sum of (n-1)

Hello, can you tell me where the formula from 2 lines is derived from. In 1, it is clear that this is the sum of the first nat. numbers, but why does a minus sign appear in parentheses in formula 2? Thanks.

Given a real number a(1

C language. I can't find the error. #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> #include<locale.h> void main() { ... while (s <= a) { s = s + (1 / i); i++; } printf("%f\n", s); } }

Calculate the sum of a series in Prolog

The program should ask the user: N - the number of members of the series, X-the value of the variable. Calculate the sum of ... al(N1,F1), F is F1*N. pow(X,Y,Z) :- Z is X**Y. I write the program code in the environment https://swish.swi-prolog.org/

How to decompose the sin(x)+cos(x) function into a Taylor series in C++ by overloading the operation of putting in the input stream and extracting from the output stream?

Faced with the following task: Implement a module whose connection overloads the operations of placing in the output stream a ... etlocale(LC_ALL, "Russian"); Node tam; cin >> tam; cout << tam; system("pause"); return 0; }

Taylor series, decomposition, common term

I'm trying to decompose a series of 1/sqrt(x+1) into a Taylor series. Wiki says that the formula for sqrt is(1+x) Since 1/s ... ion in the picture and count the terms of the series, but it turned out that the formula was incorrect. Tell me what's wrong.

Finding e^x using the sum of the series gives a large margin of error for negative x

Gentlemen, I need help understanding the problem of calculating the sum of a series with a certain accuracy. As far as I un ... e function exp (x) at the point -13 with an accuracy of 0.1 is -0.0251088977651358 The exact value is 2.26032940698105 E-06

How to calculate the sum of 1!+2!+3!+…+n!

Task condition: For a given natural n, calculate the sum 1!+2!+3!+...+n!. In solving this problem, you can use only o ... range(1, a+1): N = N * b sum += N print(sum) However, I do not have a solution. Tell me, how to solve it correctly?

c++ calculate the value of an expression

The input stream contains three real numbers a (a > 0), b (b In the output stream, output a single real number with an ... *sum; p=p+(pow((x+pow(a,2)),1.0/2.0))/(x*pow((1-b),1.0/3.0)); cout << fixed << setprecision(3) << p; }